Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: neural network
- Authors: Потапов И.В.
- Authors: Комиссарчик В.Ф., Зуев В.Н., Киселев А.Н.
- Authors: Титов А.М.
- Authors: Виноградов Г.П., Мальков А.А.
- Neural network system of the brain tumor diagnostics Authors: Дмитриев Г.А., Кирсанова А.В.
- Working out of the program complex adaptive neuro-forecasting Authors: Пятковский О.И., Авдеев А.С.
- Neural network model for financial data forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- Evaluation of innovative potential of organizations of the region based on hybrid expert systems Authors: Пятковский О.И., Тишков О.И.
- Model of decision-making by the intellectual agent Authors: Виноградов Г.П.
- Prediction based on the allocation of border implementations of dynamic systems Authors: Сидоркина И.Г., Егошин А.В., Шумков Д.С.
- Neural networks and ARIMA models for stock series forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- Automated design system of artificial neural network Authors: Чернов А.В., Белявский Г.И., Пучков Е.В.
- Application of small digit capacity numbers in binary optimization problem Authors: Крыжановский М.В., Мальсагов М.Ю.
- Neural-fuzzy method for reducing the sensitivity of inverse problems to the variation data Authors: Абраменкова И.В., Пучков А.Ю., Павлов Д.А.
- Intellectual system of control and monitoring of the gas boiler-house Authors: Белоусов О.А., Иванов С.В.
- Variants constructions of algorithm search solution of inverse problems using neural networks Authors: Пучков А.Ю., Павлов Д.А.
- Multifunctional simulator of neural networks Authors: Солдатова О.П.
- Evolutionary three-stage approach for designing of neural networks ensembles for classification problems Authors: Бухтояров В.В.
- A model for design of ensembles of intelligent information technologies for detecting information security incidents Authors: Бухтояров В.В., Жуков В.Г.
- Prospects for applying hybrid forecasting of performance of the Russian Federation state program Authors: Ярушев С.А., Аверкин А.Н.
- On one method of blood cell classification and its software implementation Authors: Захаров А.В., Кольцов П.П., Котович Н.В., Кравченко A.А., Куцаев A.С., Осипов A.С., Беляков В.К., Сухенко Е.П., Кузнецов А.Б.
- Double-layer vector perceptron for binary pattern recognition Authors: Мальсагов М.Ю., Крыжановский В.М., Желавская И.С.
- Forecasting stock price growth using feedforward neural networks Authors: Лесик И.А.
- Neural network approach to evaluate a characteristic exponent of Levy process on Bandorff-Nilsen distribution example Authors: Белявский Г.И., Пучков Е.В., Лила В.Б.
- Intelligent information system for retail demand forecasting and inventory optimization Authors: Грицай А.А.
- Educational distributed control system for a wheeled mobile platform using video and sensor information Authors: Зотин А.Г., Саяпин А.В.
- Data analysis and processing to predict patients’ health status Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гордиенко М.Г., Иванов С.И., Матасов А.В.
- Automatic text classification methods Authors: Батура Т.В.
- Scene geometry for detector precision improvement Authors: Конушин А.С., Шальнов Е.В.
- Cognitive hybrid systems for decision support and forecasting Authors: Ярушев С.А., Аверкин А.Н., Павлов В.Ю.
- The approaches to identification of network flows and organization of traffic routes in a virtual data center based on a neural network Authors: Болодурина И.П., Парфёнов Д.И.
- A neural network method for detecting malicious programs on the Android platform Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Журавлев А.М.
- A hybrid algorithm for solving optimization problems of computer-aided design and its software implementation Authors: Тарасов В.Б., Гладков Л.А., Лейба С.Н.
- Development of a database and a converter for retrieval and analysis of specialized data from a medical device Authors: Еремеев А.П., Ивлиев С.А.
- Development of a geoinformation systems protecting method and spatial data based on a neural network Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Степанов С.Ю., Петров Я.А., Сидоренко А.Ю.
- Software environments for studying the basics of neural networks Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Пойманова Е.Д., Богданов П.Ю., Краева Е.В., Веревкин С.А.
- Threat projection to the future in complex distributed systems based on the mining of big data and automated monitoring tools Authors: Христодуло О.И., Пальчевский Е.В., Павлов С.В.
- Application of the neural network model to support acceptance decisions of the applicant by choice of specialty Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф.
- The adaptive image classification method using reinforcement learning Authors: Елизаров А.А.
- Structuring natural text entities using neural networks for generating 3D-scenes Authors: Козар Б.А., Кугуракова В.В., Сахибгареева Г.Ф.
- Automatic runtime error localization for software debugging using neural networks Authors: Достовалова А.М., Шерминская А.А.
- Developing predictive analytics models for industrial equipment failures Authors: Савицкая Т.В., Чернухин А.В., Богданова Е.А.