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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №1 2012
1. Input language of the object-oriented knowledge base of GRID-system [№1 за 2012 год]Author: Oparin G.A. ( - Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Feoktistov A.G. ( - Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; ( - ;
Abstract: In article the description language of the knowledge about experimental Grid-system is considered. The description of such knowledge is based on object-oriented model of the data.
Keywords: Grid-system, object-oriented knowledge base, input language
Visitors: 10815
2. GridNNN information system [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: Russian National Nanotechnology Network grid infrastructure (GridNNN) is developed to provide access to supercomputer resources to scientists, engineers and students working in the area of nanotechnology sciences. It should enable unified transparent and secure access to computational resources connected to the NNN. One of the distinguishing key features of GridNNN is its design based on REST architectural style for grid services. This work describes the GridNNN Information System based on RESTful web services, the structure of the published information and the access security model.
Keywords: accounting system, information system, RESTful web services, rest, GridNNN, grid, distributed computing, high-performance computing
Visitors: 13581
3. Parallel computing toolkit for solving boolean equations on multi-core processors [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: Oparin G.A. ( - Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB of the Russian Academy of Sciences; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Enterprise principles, base functions and structural components of toolkit for automation of parallel computing of boolean equations on multi-core processors is considered. In particular, the technology of automation of boolean modeling are considered.
Keywords: boolean equations solving, boolean modeling, parallel computing
Visitors: 11791
4. Software system for research of stability of nonlinear dynamical systems [№1 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The complex of programs for research stability of autonomic nonlinear dynamic systems without Lapunov's functions using is represented. The structure of complex and main features of complex realization on PC is presented. Structures of algorithms for few calculating modules of complex are represented.
Keywords: distributed systems, bifurcation, stability, nonlinear, dynamic system modeling
Visitors: 13120
5. Software system for support decisions for operational planning [№1 за 2012 год]
Author: Kolesnikov A.V. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Deputy Head of Department); ( - ;
Abstract: This paper describes a software system for support decisions for operational planning. Shows the structure of the system, its elements are described. The results of experiments on the example of machine-building enterprise – LLC plant «Kaliningradgazavtomatika» is presented.
Keywords: machine-building enterprise, operational planning, decision support system
Visitors: 13379
6. Multiagent approach in the systems of information support of management decisions [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The approach to creation of application of information support of management decisions is given in the article, the basic of which is represented by the modulus of multiagent system. The general model of multiagent system and the general of the model of it’s agents are determined, the main agent types which take part in the decision are distinguished.
Keywords: information support of management decision, agent-based approach, the agent model, agent
Visitors: 15668
7. Planning problems solving in coalition model [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: In the present work are considered a method of scheduling theory and its application to solving scheduling problem in coalition model of the multi-agent resources transformation process. With the use of practical planning task was developed an algorithm of work implementation plans compilation.
Keywords: the method of random search, resources transformation process, scheduling theory, multi-agent systems, agent
Visitors: 14867
8. Selectional preferences for syntactic analysis [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: Malkovskiy M.G. ( - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In this article, we present a kind of computer dictionary which stores different types of selectional preferences. The use of this dictionary enabled us to improve a quality of syntactic analysis.
Keywords: selectional preferences, computer dictionary, syntactic analysis
Visitors: 11533
9. Parallel automatic text categorization system [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper describes structure and algorithm of parallel automatic text categorization system based on Support Vector Machines (SVM). Units, implementing main stages of system are discussed, particular attention is paid to classifier training process. The results of experiments based on text collection Reuters-21578 proving the effectiveness of the introduced parallel system are given.
Keywords: automatic text processing, parallel system, SVM, support vector machines, text categorization
Visitors: 14433
10. Software implementation in maple the researches of stability of deformable systems by universal method [№1 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The main idea of the article is to present to the readers the program for researching the stability of the decision of nonlinear system. The developed program allows to make function of Hamilton, to calculate Jacobian for the basic and interfaced systems, to find points of positions of balance of the decision, to deduce the linear equation of the second order for the interfaced function, and also to calculate expressions of curvature of the decision.
Keywords: flowchart, program realization, universal method, stability
Visitors: 14875
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