Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 December 2024
Journal articles №1-2013
- 1. Integrated toolkit for organization of the problem-oriented distributed computing
Authors: Oparin G.A., Novopashin A.P., Feoktistov A.G.
3 - 2. Integration of the OLAP technology and fuzzy sets for processing of uncertain and inexact data in decision support systems
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. ,
6 - 3. Prototype of the diagnostic decision support system on the basis of integration bayesian belief networks and the Dempster–Shafer method
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. , , ,
11 - 4. Artificial world's: spatial organization principles
Authors: Kol’chugina, E.A.
16 - 5. Fuzzy inference architecture for soft computing optimizer of knowledge bases
Authors: , Nefedov N.Yu., A.G. Reshetnikov, Ulyanov, S.V.
20 - 6. Web service optimization using caching
Authors: , ,
25 - 7. Web service optimization using caching
Authors: Melnikov I.I., Demidenkov К.А., Evseenko I.А.
29 - 8. Automated technology conformance evaluation of the text’s
Authors: ,
34 - 9. Functional comparison of complex information security systems
42 - 10. Conceptual framework of building security code analyzer
Authors: Markov A.S., , Tsirlov V.L.
47 - 11. Image processing time prediction using determinate methods
Authors: , Logunova, O.S.,
52 - 12. Multitexturing with shaders
Author: Fedorischev L.A.
58 - 13. Spatial processing of unsynchronized video sequences based on rectification frames
61 - 14. The evaluation of reliability of the integrated cluster system with the meta-scheduler Gridway
67 - 15. Forecasting in conditions of innovative diversification
Authors: ,
70 - 16. Software determination of the degree of transient processes attenuation with simulink-models
73 - 17. Designing process representation in functionally adapted form for store of the project solutions class
Authors: Gorbachev I.V., Pokhilko A.F.
77 - 18. Data support method for structural-complicated projects implementation
Authors: Dopira R.V., Kordyukov R.Yu., , Begletsov A.A., Talalaev A.B.
82 - 19. Methode zur Lösung von Aufgaben beim Rufrouting auf der Grundlage einer neuen Bewertung der Termrelevanz
Authors: , , ,
88 - 20. Call routing problem solving method based on a new term relevance estimation
Authors: , , Semenkin E.S.,
90 - 21. A method for classification of objects based on a modified analytic hierarchy
Authors: ,
94 - 22. A method of constructing an aggregate adaptive caching algorithm
Authors: , ,
98 - 23. An algorithm of complex power system optimization with the use of generalized similarity criteria
Authors: ,
101 - 24. Automatic means of operating system of communications-electronics equipment technical diagnosis
Authors: S.V. Ignatev, V.B. Tikhonov, Begletsov A.A.
103 - 25. Automatic means of operating system of communications-electronics equipment current maintenance
Authors: S.V. Ignatev, V.B. Tikhonov, Kordyukov R.Yu.,
108 - 26. Сutting modes design automation for multipurpose machines
Authors: , , , Serdyuk A.I.
114 - 27. Program complex to predict of the solubility in supercritical fluids
Authors: Menshutina N.V., ,
119 - 28. Building of three-dimensional model in geoinformation system
Authors: Stepanova L.A.,
122 - 29. Creation of databases of meteorological information in the closed control system «Nature–Technogenic»
Authors: , Do Xuan Cho, R.I. Solnitsev
125 - 30. Mathematical modelling of thermal processes in layered structures
Authors: , ,
129 - 31. Modelling in sphere of management of pulse protection against explosion and a fire
133 - 32. A method for choosing peers in peer-to-peer communications based on network topology
Authors: ,
135 - 33. The software implementation of a module for hydraulic calculations of two-phase gas-liquid flows
Authors: , , Korelshteyn L.B., Gartman T.N.
141 - 34. CUDA technology application for simulation of particles at parallel programming
Authors: ,
146 - 35. Algorithms and technologies provide information safety in medical information system ExterNET
Authors: ,
150 - 36. The use of program product for the optimization of the expenses of the enterprise for the protection of labor of the personnel
Authors: Razinkova O.P.,
156 - 37. Automatic system for quality estimation of online courses
Authors: , , ,
159 - 38. Software tool of the reliability of information management systems analysis automation development
Authors: , ,
163 - 39. The system of relay programming control seeking for dynamic objects
Authors: , Semenkin E.S.
167 - 40. Principles and software tools for visualization and analysis public contracts data in science and technology
Authors: , , ,