Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: control management
- Authors: Налютин Н.Ю., Синицын С.В.
- Authors: Затонский А.В.
- Authors: Коробков К.Н.
- Authors: Куц Ю.И.
- Authors: Аржаев В.И.
- Authors: Мамросенко К.А.
- Authors: Скуридин Д.Г.
- Authors: Фам Ки Куанг , Вишневский Ю.Г.
- Authors: Дьячук П.П., Николаева Ю.С.
- Authors: Ковалев И.В., Тынченко C.В., Завьялова О.И., Лайков А.Н.
- Authors: Извозчикова В.В., Огородников П.И.
- Universum technique using description of process of software development Authors: Масликов В.И.
- The basic tasks of automation of management of educational process Authors: Анциферова В.И., Меерсон В.Э.
- Management of educational process Authors: Анциферова В.И., Сербулов Ю.С., Зольников В.К.
- Control of the development of reliable information system cluster structures Authors: Ковалев И.В., Царев Р.Ю., Прокопенко А.В., Джиоева Н.Н.
- Algorithmic solution of a focal approximation task of closed curves Authors: Ракчеева Т.А.
- Information and communication technology complex management of students Authors: Пиявский С.А., Камальдинова З.Ф.
- Business processes and administrative regulations management system Authors: Михеев А.Г., Орлов М.В.
- Management of intellectual resources of projects in the field of nanotechnology Authors: Стоянова О.В., Дли М.И., Васицына А.И.
- Intellectual systems and algorithms of objects management in simulators Authors: Захаров В.Л., Янюшкин В.В.
- Universal software system for monitoring of technological processes Authors: Калабин А.Л., Пакшвер Э.А., Козлов А.В.
- Lifecycle management for informational business process Authors: Логинов И.В.
- Selection and distribution of vehicles in the life cycle of motor transport enterprise Authors: Аникеев Е.А., Федоров Н.Ю., Черкасов О.Н.
- Information model and mechanisms of the process to commercializations result innovations activity Authors: Трусов А.В.
- The system of relay programming control seeking for dynamic objects Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Рыжиков И.С.
- Automated software system of data collection procedures Authors: Калабин А.Л., Артёмов И.Ю.
- A method for automated synthesis of virtual organizational structures for regional security management problem-solving Authors: Маслобоев А.В.
- Ha-cluster of data collection system Authors: Артёмов И.Ю.
- Simulation exercise with operator errors control Authors: Кобзев В.В., Сизов Ю.Н., Скипидарников А.С., Шилов Д.К.
- Information-simulation modeling system architecture for IT-infrastructure life cycle support Authors: Гришаков В.Г.
- Information system for organizing, monitoring and managing collective scientific activity of students in a university Authors: Пиявский С.А., Елунин М.Н.
- Expert system for monitoring of technological processes Authors: Калабин А.Л., Пакшвер Э.А., Козлов А.В., Буров А.Н.
- Tactical simulator complexes for naval combat training Authors: Ильин В.А., Соколов С.Н., Пахомов Е.С., Шуванов А.Д.
- Unified description of information radioelectronic system functioning to estimate training aids software Authors: Допира Р.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Потапов А.Н., Ищук И.Н., Брежнев Е.Ю.
- A web-model of a distributed real-time information system Authors: Остроглазов Н.А., Чугунов А.И., Кудрин М.А., Елизаров В.В.
- Using self-learning optimization algorithms to manage dynamically changing systems Authors: Костенко В.А.
- Analysis of hybrid controllers in control models of technical objects operating in changing conditions Authors: Игнатьев В.В., Соловьев В.В., Белоглазов Д.А.
- Compensation of various types of uncertainties when controlling a technical object using intelligent controllers Authors: Игнатьев В.В.