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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2015
1. Conceptual framework for development of the next-generation educational training and simulation complex (etsc) [№4 за 2015 год]Authors: Shukshunov V.E. ( - The Center for Space Simulator Development and Personnel Training (Professor, Director General), Ph.D; Yanyushkin V.V. ( - The Center for Space Simulator Development and Personnel Training (Deputy General Manager), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers various approaches to the development of a new-generation educational training and simulation complex (ETSC) at Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center using the latest technical and software tools. The article offers the approaches to decomposition of the ETSC development tasks by several interrelated stages solving certain problems. The article provides a short analysis of historical facts covering several generations of astronaut training complexes including integrating principles implementation. The paper describes the algorithm based on two major approaches to integrating existing tech astronaut training devices into one simulator complex. The authors consider a concept of gateway and modern computing technologies along with virtualization technologies and a set of hardware & software means. The article provides the description of the promising ETSC complex structure; each complex is a separate part that solves a certain number of problems. Special attention is given to the integration of educational and training processes while preparing specialists. Finally, the paper provides the composition of the experimental stand for testing all offered solutions connected to the ETSC development. There are the descriptions of obtained results that reflect absolutely new solutions including the use of hostcentric computations of a unified computing system and the use of thin clients at the workplaces. The authors analyze the level of resources loading, data transfer network channels and other critical parameters. It is noted that many IT experts highly evaluated the results of the work for development of experimental stand.
Keywords: unified software & hardware infrastructure, autonomous simulators integration, cosmonaut training technical means, resource virtualization technology, educational training and simulation complex
Visitors: 11374
2. The analysis of an IT infrastructure of the astronaut training open automation system to create an integrated simulation complex [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kovrigin S.N. ( - Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center (Head of Department); Yanyushkin V.V. ( - The Center for Space Simulator Development and Personnel Training (Deputy General Manager), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes testing of astronaut training open automation system at Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center. It includes the development of a test rig for VMware and Citrix virtualization platforms with further deployment of thin clients within a multibranch network. The article provides a short descri ption of the test rig structure and technical solutions including graphics server with NVIDIA GRID K2 cards, two types of virtualization system thin clients and virtualization software. The test object is specific software of two components of astronaut training devices: virtual International Space Station (ISS) desktops and Teleoperator autonomous simulator trainees’ desktops featuring motion control handles and navigation. The operation of these two systems is tested in VMware and Citrix. Experiments must confirm that the deployment of simulator virtualization systems and function & simulation stands is possible within the described automation system. The article offers trusted major practical and theoretical solutions as well as a complex of solutions for the development of close software and hardware infrastructure based on the latest technologies. The article clearly defines the main requirements for server nods, storage systems, networking equipment and target devices. The peculiarity of the work is that all tests were performed on the basis of potential customer’s network infrastructure and real workspaces. The work aims at defining whether it is possible to develop a set of integrated solutions at Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center to consolidate function & simulation stands’ software within the corporate data center.
Keywords: graphic server, network infrastructure, data-processing centre, integrated complex, astronaut training automation system for preparing cosmonauts
Visitors: 12877
3. Special features of data-processing center and space center upgrade [№4 за 2015 год]
Author: Snytko A.S. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (2nd class Engineer); Ternikov A.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (2nd class Engineer);
Abstract: The article describes an advanced virtualization technology which helps to solve many consolidation problems of computing resources within data center. It also considers subsequent creation of the united educational training and simulation system based on computing resources in a modernization project for the space center “Astron” named after cosmonaut Georgiy Shonin. The paper describes the current technology state and development, the main advantages of changing traditional network infrastructure model into server and desktop virtualization. Desktop virtualization technology provides previously unavailable possibility of computing system dynamic distribution, provides information system fault tolerance, and the most important thing for implementing the concept of educational training and simulation complex – it provides user mobility by graphics adapters virtualization and remote advanced protocols to connect virtual desktops. This project uses the solutions of leading world hardware and software manufacturers, which meet all the requirements to performance and reliability. The result is a united environment with a high degree of automation and simplified administration. The paper describes the composition and application of hardware components in the hardware and software package. The article shows a flow chart describing a data center structure and the quantity of virtual machines in simulators. It also highlights the update process and all problems which are successfully solved in the space center “Astron”. The paper describes typical solutions for a virtual environment and special features of virtualization application in space center workstations. The experience of this project and its results can be successfully used in other works and new simulators.
Keywords: IT-infrastructure, geographically dispersed organizations, educational training and simulation complex, desktop virtualization, fail-safety, resource virtualization technology, gpu virtualization, nvidia grid, reliability, data-processing centre
Visitors: 14076
4. Ergonomic testing of a manned transport spacecraft for crew interface design and training [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Serov M.V. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Head of Department, Test Cosmonaut); Kukin O.N. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Deputy Head of Department), Ph.D; Yanyushkin V.V. ( - The Center for Space Simulator Development and Personnel Training (Deputy General Manager), Ph.D; Radchenko V.M. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Deputy Director); Kharagozyan R.K. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Department);
Abstract: The article considers basic hardware and software solutions for ergonomic testing of new generation spacecraft. It is supposed to create a stand for ergonomic design and pilot testing of crew interfaces: display formats options to inform the crew, a new joystick to control orientation and movement. The article provides a functional composition of the stand and two main operation modes to prepare experimental data and their validation on the basis of software and hardware platforms. These are the ergonomic features of such perspective control devices as orientation and motion control handle on the one hand and various options of information support for the crew using the latest transforming cosmonaut’s console on the other hand that are the most important. All the works are performed along with the development and creation of a unique product. The article describes the main mechanical features of building cosmonauts’ workplace that enable easy assembling and disassembling of the product, its transportation, adaptations and update with regards to emerging requirements and conditions of use. The specialized software provides a number of tasks with remote monitoring and management of new generation spacecraft systems from the workplace of the person in charge using wireless voice communications as well. All the components are unified into a correlated system; data exchange is performed via local computing network. The training hardware includes general purpose industrial objects adapted to the use in the ergonomic stand.
Keywords: development environment masterscada, software and hardware environment, remote astronauts, cosmonauts’ space console, information provision, ergonomic stand, new generation spacecraft
Visitors: 13370
5. Virtual reality systems in damage control training of personnel [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Radchenko V.M. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Deputy Director); Bondar E.M. ( - Deputy Head of Department; Chulanov A.O. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Deputy Head of Department); Fedorov N.A. ( - Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering “Rubin” (Chief Designer); Leshchina A.E. ( - Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering “Rubin” (Assistant Chief Designer), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the problem of specialists training to ensure safety of life and for successful damage control in higher risk places. It also describes modern simulator tools for personnel training, such as natural layouts in field training centers, complex and part-task simulators. The article considers the ways of operator workplace organization based on real layouts or computer simulation of equipment. The paper reviews virtual reality systems applicability in modern training tools and offers using virtual reality systems to train specialists in damage control. The article gives the description of the automated training process of damage control based on virtual reality systems and wide simulation modeling of accident appearance and progression. The paper also describes virtual environment, its communication with equipment simulation model, ways of trainee interaction with virtual environment in skill training regarding localization and liquidation of emergency situations.
Keywords: error situation, simulation, virtual reality system, trainee’s workplace, simulator, personnel training, damage control
Visitors: 14136
6. Active information support of crew actions [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kravchenko S.I. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Sector), Ph.D; Dushenko A.G. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Department), Ph.D; Andreev D.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Programmer Engineer); Kotov A.G. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Head of Department);
Abstract: The article notes that the tasks of space ships and stations crews information support are continuously expanding due to onboard plans complexity, increasing scientific activities in an onboard schedule; increasing requirements to dispatch and clarity of the onboard documentation, importance of multimedia, additional background information and sound. The paper shows the results of experimental operation of a multifunctional information system prototype in the ISS. The experimental operation identified high-priority interactive objects and functions, which are necessary to ensure the effective work of the crew. They are: the possibility of sensor affection on the environmental model; changing the type, positions and internal parameters of the virtual objects; data input into interactive parts of the documents; marking the prescribed actions implementation; the prescribed time intervals execution; work with authorized bookmarks; questionnaire for an operator based on completed work session results; logging astronaut’s behavior in the information environment and transferring protocols to the Earth. The authors formulate the problems of onboard information systems and their ground facilities. They also pay attention to increasing the capabilities of the interaction between an operator and information environment. The paper offers key solutions, explains new means of documents preparation. There are some examples of implementing active elements into environment. The paper considers the operator’s situational behavior, work with virtual controls, logging the results and crew evaluation. It also describes the special editor of an e-document control layer. The authors offer solutions to overcome the uncertainty of choice of an operation system and personal tablets hardware platform.
Keywords: interacti ve parts, russian segment of iss, multimedia, interface module, on-board documentation
Visitors: 11762
7. The onboard multifunctional information complex of the International space station (Russian section) [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kravchenko S.I. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Sector), Ph.D; Andreev D.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Programmer Engineer); Brunko D.V. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Engineer); Gorbachev E.B. () - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia ( Engineer);
Abstract: The paper describes the new onboard set to provide the Russian ISS Segment crew with electronic documentation. It is noted that to support manned space ships and stations information systems with onboard electronic documentation, the documents should be carried out in the formats compatible with onboard interface. The paper highlights the most important stage of the process of preparation. It is the onboard data conversion. The main tasks of onboard complex are reception and unpacking service packs, server conversion of documents in compatible format, compositions assembly by land marking files, mailing authorized updates to the crew’s Tablet PCs, information reproduction on the plates and providing individual support of an astronaut according to his role, staff logging. The paper gives the scheme and the composition of the board complex special software utilities. It also describes in detail the algorithm of the circuit elements and the methodology of resources update, which mean converting received page description in a graphic form, files positioning in the onboard file server, documents updating when there are appropriate markup files, documents collection in the form in they were formed on the Earth. Particular attention is paid to the process of updating the personal documents database on the user’s tablet that can be run automatically or by agreement with the operator, who initiates the update after receiving the notice and clicks the refresh button on personal interface panel. It is emphasized that all other service operations with delivered updates are performed automatically without crew.
Keywords: onboard information system, russian segment of iss, multimedia, interface module, on-board documentation
Visitors: 12289
8. The ground-based subsystem to prepare onboard electronic documentation [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kravchenko S.I. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Sector), Ph.D; Andreev D.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Programmer Engineer); Dolgov A.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Engineer-Programmer); Kolesnikov A.V. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Deputy Head of Department);
Abstract: The paper describes information processing when preparing electronic onboard documents for multifunction information system to support a crew of a transport spacecraft and space stations. It is necessary to generate electronic documents from a delivered compatible file at the stage of the onboard content update. The conceptual feature of the ground subsystem is a separation of electronic document elements into two categories, which are: a conservative visual basis and an interactive layer that includes virtual controls for the sections of the document and internal applications. The paper considers the benefits of separate processing of document layers that consist in instruction ground marking and delivering on board only a cue file, which allows reconstructing an instruction developed on the Earth automatically. This makes the ground and onboard versions identical and significantly reduces the load on the datatransmission channel. The article also shows the ground-based complex structure, the sequence of the operations; a detailed description of the interaction between the utilities and major sections of the common methodology, such as: archiving developments in a classical library database, generating a visual base, editing a control layer, forming new documents from a classic library page array. The particular attention is paid to special tools that are: a link editor and the update package shaper. Based on experiment results, there is a conclusion about the readiness of the developed ground-based complex to ensure forming of update packages for the multifunctional information support system for a crew of space ships and stations.
Keywords: information system, russian segment of iss, multimedia, interface module, on-board documentation
Visitors: 12096
9. The information support for space experiments [№4 за 2015 год]
Author: Stepanov V.V. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Leading Engineer); Andreev D.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Programmer Engineer); Obydenov S.S. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Leading Engineer);
Abstract: The article presents the results of testing the virtual manuals for space experiments on board the Russian section of the ISS. Based on this experience the authors set a problem of transferring scientific documentation to crew tablets. The paper presents a description of the new onboard interface module with advanced features such as versioning script with multiple levels of difficulty and switching versions during operation; advanced configuration device of initial conditions for more intuitive and accurate reproduction of planned work; affordable choice of sequence and real-time input of the initial conditions on board. Therefore, there is a variation of operating scenarios and chains of the prescribed actions, the composition of illustrative material and the used equipment, environment virtual models and readings, date and time. There is a specific feature of space experiments information support consisting in the need of crew actions parallel support by two subplots, which are: prearranged scenario sequence simulating a virtual environment for an experiment, and random access to a classic array of board documentation. In this case key points of the virtual process should be clearly linked to the document items. The paper also describes system solutions and a methodology of information space interactive management. The attention is paid to operator’s situational behavior, virtual controls work, results logging and crew evaluation. It is emphasized that the astronaut’s work is fully authorized on the level of personal scenarios that are transferred in accordance with his individual role in the collective experiments. The authors predict further extension of functionality of hardware and software package of space experiments information support, as well as a significant increase in convenience, visibility, operators’ efficiency, obtaining high speed of access to onboard documentation.
Keywords: interface, program cycles, modeling, russian segment of iss, multimedia, virtual manual, space experiment
Visitors: 12465
10. Comparison analysis and task classification according to cargo optimal placement in restricted space [№4 за 2015 год]
Authors: Pogorelov A.S. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Engineer-Programmer); Andreev D.A. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Programmer Engineer); Panfilov A.N. ( - South-Russian State Polytechnical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the problem of objects optimal placement in restricted space. This problem belongs to the class of cutting and packing problems. The paper formulates the common cutting and packing problem. It also describes the approach to such problems classification and criteria, which are the basis of the typology and the main categories of the problems. The scientific researches review shows that similar problems arise in various domains and these problems have various features as a specificity of a problem domain. The authors consider several problems of cargo optimal placement, which have some similarities with the problem of cargo placement on a transport spacecraft. They compare considered problems to the problem of cargo placement on the transport spacecraft according to common characteristics of these problems. Furthermore, each problem under consideration is assigned to one of the classes in terms of the given typology. As a result of a comparison analysis, there is a conclusion that there is no any universal decision method for the optimal placement problem. There are some particular features and restrictions for any real problem, which must be considered. The authors set a task of development of a new method to find the optimal cargo placement. This method must consider any specific features of the problem domain related to spacecrafts.
Keywords: spacecraft, center of mass, cutting and packing problem, cargo spacecraft, cargo optimal placement
Visitors: 8734
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