ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №4 2016

11. Memory subsystem components performance evaluation for heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: A.O. Klyuchev ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Associate Professor), Ph.D; A.A. Antonov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics;
Abstract: Specialized computer system design based on heterogeneous platforms within modern methodologies assumes a system platform model that contains information about the characteristics of its individual components. A memory subsystem is considered as a key communication element of current architectures, so its performance evaluation is one of the most important characteristics that determine the overall system performance. The tendency of multiple heterogeneous components integration within the systems and networks on-chip (including the cache memory hierarchy level) introduces new problems for computational platforms modeling, since in-system datapaths that connect the computational elements with cache memory hierarchy components become technologically inaccessible for direct measurements, while the publicly available documentation typically poorly describes the system’s internal organization. Existing methods of indirect evaluation of cache subsystem components’ performance do not guarantee the compliance of cache memory model being implied with the real behavior of the system under exploration. The article proposes the method of indirect selective performance evaluation of individual cache subsystem components. The method provides a set of techniques for verification of evaluation selectiveness using information about the actual amount of requests to the individual cache subsystem components. The paper explores feasibility of the method using several actual instances of heterogeneous computer systems and provides the results of its approbation for Intel Core i7 processor and custom computational platform for real-time heterogeneous measurement systems design.
Keywords: hw/sw co-design , electronic system level, cache-memory, real time, heterogeneous systems, systems-on-chip, embedded systems
Visitors: 7691

12. The monitoring of information trends system’s architecture based on the free software [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: S.A. Belyaev ( - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (Associate Professor), Ph.D; А.V. Vasilev ( - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"; S.A. Kudryakov ( - St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (Head of Chair), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes a software system designed to identify sources of information trends in the analysis of publications on news sites, social networks and blogs. The main feature of the system is the construction of a graph of information dissemination in the Internet. The authors prove the relevance of this problem, despite the presence of ready-made solutions, which scan data in the Internet. The paper also focuses on a problem of exponential increase in the volume of information requiring processing. The article describes a model to formalize the process of analyzing information trends and marked differences from published approaches to solving this problem. The authors propose basic steps for automation solutions based on this model. Special attention is paid to the possibility and validity of using software products with open source code for solving individual subtasks. To build the system the authors offer a layered architecture that demonstrates the possibility of rational use of free software and give a sequence of operation of the system. On the basis of the architecture and the proposed model there is developed software that provides the solution to the problem of monitoring information trends. The results of testing based on several news sites. The paper proposes some approaches for further development of the solution.
Keywords: mathematical model, architecture, web -resources, system monitoring, security, internet monitoring, information trends
Visitors: 9047

13. Graphical modeling of technological process as a support tool for designing of control algorithm [№4 за 2016 год]
Author: A.V. Paramonov ( - Heavy Engineering ”ORMETO-YUMZ” (Leading Engineer-Programmer);
Abstract: The main stage of program development for PLCs in automated control systems is designing a control algorithm. One of the problems we meet at this stage is that the algorithm is often described in a potentially incomplete or inconsistent verbal form. Existing formal tools of algorithm description require a person who designs the algorithm to know formal theories. The aim of this work is to obtain a tool to design algorithms, which would be available for all participants in the development of programs and ensures completeness and consistency. To achieve this goal the author proposes using a graphical model of processing stations as a tool to design the algorithms. The paper describes the rules for designing models. The paper also proposes a method of algorithm presentation on a model with maintenance of completeness and consistency, which makes the designing process available to a person who designs the algorithm. The article provides the rules to describe the algorithm using the model in the form of decision tables. However, the ideas may be used for other forms, such as a finite-state automaton. The hierarchical structures and relational model are used as a basis for graphical models.
Keywords: graphical model, processing station, logic control system, plc programming, programmable logic controller
Visitors: 6596

14. The method of obtaining a scan of clothing details considering deformational aptitude of a material [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: Gorelova A.E. ( - IIT Consulting, Ltd, Ph.D; Kornilova N.L. ( - Textile Institute Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ph.D; Z.R. Grigoreva ( - Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, ; Vasilev D.A. ( - IIT Consulting, Ltd; L.A. Kornilova ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Laboratory Assistant), Undergraduate;
Abstract: The research presents an algorithm for obtaining patterns of garment (3DK) using a phased conversion of triangulation part network of three-dimensional product construction using methods of geometric surface transformation and physical modeling of material behavior. On the first stage a 3D cover transforms into a flat view by projecting network cell edges on a deployment plane. Next, we use physical modeling, which consists in giving to each node of triangulation network the properties of a material point with a mass equal to 1, and giving to each edge an elastic connection, which seeks to result its length into an original length. The process involves two time steps: a spurt to unbalance the system of material points and transition of a detail to a sustainable equilibrium state (iteration). Then the process continues until reaching the minimum of total force on a detail. It means the maximum possible approximation of geometrical characteristics 3DK and a pattern. Quality evaluation of the algorithm is implemented by constructing scans of orbicular hemisphere segments. The paper shows that the patterns obtained in the first stage of conversion are practically unsuitable for cutting details of fabric, because it has an insufficient area. As a result of physical modeling, the details area reduces to its original value, herewith the patterns perimeter is always at least 3DK. In addition, there can be seen discrepancy between the main overall dimensions of details, which indicates that there is a need to use forced molding or deformation of materials properties to obtain the garment shape. The magnitude of the deformation determines the correct choice of materials for a model. The method is implemented in CAD of tight-fitting products BustCAD (Ivanovo, Russia) and showed good practical results.
Keywords: properties of materials, urface portion deformation, scanning three-dimensional surface, physical modeling, geometrical modelling, apparel cad
Visitors: 10094

15. KLEE for automatic testing programs in C/C++ [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: A.G. Zykov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Ph.D; I.V. Kochetkov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics; V.I. Polyakov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the problems of automation of software functional error testing. This kind of bugs is extremely difficult to find and reproduce without code execution. This problem is relevant due to ever-growing software complexity. It leads to increasing duration, complexity and cost of software testing and verification. The purpose of the research is to analyze symbolic execution (evaluation) system basic features and their application in finding functional bugs and software testing in general. In particular, the article discusses the KLEE system in detail. This system is a symbolic virtual machine with environment emulation that executes parallel symbolic processes. It is based on analyzing a program LLVM byte-code. The article deals with KLEE architecture, components set, operation principles, features and some other aspects. Novelty of this research is in the consideration of alternative methods of using symbolic execution tools. They are developed based on using their basic features. There is testing with reference program, problem solving (for example, finding a way in a labyrinth) and restoring an algorithm flowchart. The article presents KLEE testing statistics (code coverage, bugs count, etc.) of COREUTILS 6.11 package, where there were found several serious bugs that had been missing for over ten years.
Keywords: klee, symbolic execution, testing, automation
Visitors: 9356

16. Table structure recognition method for spreadsheets data [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: N.M. Tkeshelashvili ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optic; Klimenkov S.V. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Assistant); A.M. Dergachev ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optic (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Spreadsheets are one of the most popular means to collect and represent big amount of business data. Unfortunately, the structure of spreadsheets in most cases is not defined. As a result, processing tools can not retrieve data automatically, without human interaction. When spreadsheets are being created, people make visual formatting to properly present headers, data and aggregation cells. The proposed method recognizes a spreadsheet structure based on visual elements distinction in a cell formatting as well as people do. The developed software based on this method takes the spreadsheet as an input and produces an output based on a simple object notation form. The method contains several steps. Firstly, a working area is defined as a square area of non-empty cells. After that, the whole working area is converted in the set of bitmaps, where thу value of 1 represents whenever cell has particular formatting. The second step contains discovering data sequence in business data – from the top to the down or from the left to the right. We apply Hough method on a subset of defined bitmaps at this step. Next, we find data and header patterns using simple statistics methods. We define most frequently used patterns as data cells. Special processing is made for subtitles and inserted titles. Such subtitles create additional property to resulting objects. The method has been tested on a large set of spreadsheets containing various business data, for example pricelists.
Keywords: spreadsheets, structure discover, tables processing
Visitors: 5452

17. Method of information exchange between software systems of automation of technological and production processes [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: S.Yu. Ryabov ( - Synchronoss, Inc. (Lead Business Analyst); A.G. Lyutov ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Yu.V. Ryabov ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; A.V. Vavilova ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University;
Abstract: The article suggests a method of information exchange between software systems to improve technological and production processes efficiency, productivity and quality. The method is based on general information flows control interface based on XML language. Nowadays lots of applications use their own data formats. It makes communication with others applications impossible. The paper analyzes information exchange between CAPP-PDM-MES program systems process. In addition, there is a general XML document based on unifying XSD schemes combination. XSD schemes contain information about XML document data type, so that XSD schemes are a knowledge base containing metadata. The authors suggest to creatу ф consolidate information area including XSD data knowledge and general interface based on XML language for all software used in production process. Obtained XML documents can be processed by Java ore Python applications to create general XML-document based on unifying XSD schemes combination. Information transfer using general XML-documents and XSD-schemes is considered by the example of creating technological document “process list” in SPRUT-TP. The presented XML-scheme segment represents a process list structural arrangement. Based on XSD using JAXB application there are XML-documents produced including explicit information. Thus, a set of XSD files combine a object domain knowledge base. The authors suggest to implement communication between programs by Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) using XML-documents called SOAP message. The paper contains an example of creating a “request” and “response” types of SOAP-message. SOAP specification contains agreements about transformation one-way message exchange and determines complete XML document transfer. The results include XML-files containing an XML-document form data and XSD-form knowledge that are understandable by a human and a computer and, therefore, accessible.
Keywords: simple object access protocol, metadata, xsd scheme, xml document, technological and manufacturing processes
Visitors: 10503

18. Program system of structural and parametrical synthesis of an information security system [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: Zhukov V.G. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Ph.D; M.N. Zhukova ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; A.S. Timokhovich ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Ph.D; D.S. Volkov ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University;
Abstract: The article is devoted to the solution of an important problem of structural and parametrical synthesis algorithm development for an information security system on the example of creating a protected automated system. This algorithm allows generating several possible options of an information security system considering requirements of state standards in the field of information security, standard and methodical documents of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia and the Federal Security Service of Russia. Besides, each architecture of an information security system assumes using rather large number of information security means. It complicates the task because of various options of information security system created architecture implementation. The paper considers only certified means of information security for implementation within the constructed architecture of information security system. Such problem of optimization has a set of features and restrictions. Classical optimization methods in this case aren't applicable. The analysis of various schemes of application of an optimization genetic algorithm which has proved itself when solving similar problems of optimization. However, application of a classical genetic algorithm is impossible because of features of requirements of standard and methodical documents, regulators in the information security area, structures of information security system and a component in the form of information protection means. A set of algorithm modifications is carried out. They allow applying the developed algorithm when solving real practical tasks. The developed algorithm with modifications is implemented as software. Software operation is tested at various versions of requirements to the created information security system. The efficiency of structural and parametrical synthesis of an information security system when using the developed software is 84 % at average.
Keywords: generic algorithm, vulnerability protection, design, , information security system, structural and parametrical synthesis
Visitors: 10511

19. A mathematical model of computer network antivirus protection [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: N.A. Semykina ( - Tver State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; I.V. Shavykina ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Software Engineer);
Abstract: One of the effective approaches to analyzing computer systems in the context of active computer viruses is mathematical modeling. Its advantage is in fast modeling of various scenarios for particular parameters of a computer network. Computational results obtained by these models allow analyzing viruses’ behavior in networks consisting of any number of elements. The article considers a mathematical model of computer network protection from a malicious code based on MSEIRS model. This model is multifaceted and global as it takes into account many factors influencing a network state: timing of infection for specific viruses and network treatment using an antivirus, medium immunization rate and involuntary computer shut down. The selected control criterion characterizes the best state of the system, when most hosts are immune to the impact of network viruses. The paper presents the discrete approximation of the optimal control problem. The result of the research model is a developed program that allows you to competently evaluate the security of the network and to use effective methods of dealing with malicious code if necessary. The authors conducted and analyzed computational experiments. For this they considered two cases: a progressive virus transmission in time and network (epidemic) and the absence of significant numbers of infected computers’ fluctuations.
Keywords: optimal control, differential equations, nonlinear system, mseirs model, mathematical model, computer virus
Visitors: 11196

20. Assessment of influence of anti-virus software on quality of information-computing system functioning [№4 за 2016 год]
Authors: Drobotun E.B. ( - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defense (Doctoral Student), Ph.D; D.V. Kozlov ( ) - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence (Course Officer);
Abstract: One of the most important indicators of the antivirus software effectiveness, along with the quality of information systems protection against computer viruses and malware, is resource intensity of these means. Ideally, antivirus software should not have any impact on the quality of tasks and functions assigned to a protected computing system. However, it should be noted that to build any kind of system (including anti-virus software as a protection system against computer viruses and malware) that would not have any adverse effect on a protected object is virtually impossible. Based on this fact, one of the criteria of choosing antivirus software to protect any information system should be a minimum degree of influence of selected antivirus software tools on the quality of the tasks and functions assigned to the protected system. As an index of the degree of antivirus software influence on a computing system, the article proposes to use a generalized indicator of protected computing system performance degradation. This indicator is determined based on partial indicators of performance degradation when dealing with individual tasks assigned to the protected system, taking into account the importance of each task. The article also presents the results of evaluation of the degree of seven common antivirus software influence on a general purpose computing system.
Keywords: performance degradation, quality of information computer system functioning, resource intensity of antivirus software tools, antivirus software
Visitors: 6610

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