ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: fuzzy conclusion

  1. Authors: Синюк В.Г., Куценко Д.А.

  2. About an approach to identifying production function
  3. Authors: Кулиев Р.А., Рзаев Р.Р.

  4. Modelling an emotional condition of the person on the basis of hybrid methods
  5. Authors: Заболеева-зотова А.В., Розалиев В.Л.

  6. Building method of fuzzy semi-markov model of complex system functioning
  7. Authors: Борисов В.В., Бояринов Ю.Г., Дли М.И., Мищенко В.И.

  8. Mechanisms of evolution of organizational process systems
  9. Authors: Палюх Б.В., Виноградов Г.П.

  10. Model of weakly goal-setting in a structured environment
  11. Authors: Виноградов Г.П., Кузнецов В.Н., Богатикова В.Н.

  12. Fuzzy inference architecture for soft computing optimizer of knowledge bases
  13. Authors: Сорокин С.В., Ульянов С.В., Нефедов Н.Ю., Решетников А.Г.

  14. Project management when creating software system for electronic workflow
  15. Authors: Кузнецов В.Н., Мутовкина Н.Ю., Чудов С.А.

  16. Human-intelligent software systems of creative problem solving intelligent support
  17. Authors: Семенов Н.А., Кузнецов В.Н., Клюшин А.Ю., Мутовкина Н.Ю.

  18. The method of fuzzy controllers automatic synthesis
  19. Authors: Игнатьев В.В., Соловьев В.В., Воротова А.А.