ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

Journal articles №1 2015

11. Free software implementation for IT-project management in public sector [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Bunova E.V. ( - South Ural State University (National Research University), Ph.D; Shurygin A.N. ( - South Ural State University (National Research University), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses free project management system implementation for effective IT-project management in public sector by the example of "E-government" project that is carried out in Chelyabinsk region. "E-government" is a large-scale project. It includes multilevel structural organization and territory distribution, a large number of information sources and consumers, a large number of various external systems with various information ex-change formats, functions and their difficult interrelations, absence of the full analogs that limit using of standard software solutions. Project implementation in Chelyabinsk region consisted in using a functional model of E-government participants effective interaction: “LANIT-Ural” company and Southern Ural State University (SUSU). They used Redmine free project management system for collaboration. This approach to organization of interaction between project group members allows the integrator to involve additional qualified staff from University teachers and also to develop and adapt students participating in the project toreal projects conditions.
Visitors: 6733

12. Multiprocessor systems memory testing [№1 за 2015 год]
Author: Lavrinov G.A. ( - SRISA RAS;
Abstract: Memory is one of the basic elements of a computer system. Depending on the application sphere of mul-tiprocessor systems there are different memory requirements: information capacity, memory speed, etc. Memory test is one of the most important stages of system testing in general when creating such systems. A memory test includes test-ing address bus, data bus, and memory cells verifying of a device under the test. Depending on the method of testing RAM in an automatic data processing machine is divided into: local that is accessible directly from the processor ele-ment and remote that is accessible to read/write memory via communicative interface for distributed memory systems. This article considers the method of RAM remote testing in a multiprocessor system with RapidIO communicative in-terface. There is a testing procedure on the example of 1890VM6IA processors. Based on RAM tests (checking own address, walking one (or zero) and random values checking) the paper shows a comparison results of testing time de-pending on the test execution device. The author presents an assessment of this method efficiency. The approach al-lows using a minimum hardware set.
Keywords: distributed memory system, ram, , method of testing, memory testing, multiprocessor system, RapidIO
Visitors: 9972

13. Constructing a corpus for sentiment classification training [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Rubtsova Yu.V. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences;
Abstract: The paper presents a tool for short texts corpus collecting and analyzing. The first module of the tool is a text collector (parser). The second module is a corpora processingwhich consists of two stages: corpus morphological tagging – in order to identify characteristic features of each o f the three classes of short texts; constructing a vocabulary of emotional unigram and bigrams based on the corpus. The statistical weight of each unigram and bigram was calculated depending on positive or negative class of text. Developed vocabulary does not belong to any predefined object domain. Thus, this paper presents a tool for collecting corpus. Also a corpus of modern Russian language short texts was constructed using the developed tool. It is available for public inspection. The corpus is intended to train a sentiment classifier that sorts general-topic texts into two and three classes: “positive” and “negative”; “positive”, “negative” and “neutral”. In addition, the corpus was a base for creating an emotional vocabulary. A statistical weight of the word meaning for positive or negative texts class was calculated for each term or phrase in the dictionary. The results are used to build and train a sentiment classifier.
Keywords: morphology tagging, social networks data analysis, sentiment classification, text categorization, corpus linguistics
Visitors: 18741

14. On-line monitoring of object images structural changes at earth surface photographs from space [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Brovko E.A. ( - Research and Production Centre “Priroda”, Ph.D; Kandoba I.N. ( - First President of Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Ph.D; Kornilov F.A. ( - Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences; Perevalov D.S. ( - Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences;
Abstract: The article considers a problem of detecting and estimating object changes at the Earth’s surface using data of the Earth’s remote sensing from Space. Most of these data consists of cosmic photographs of various areas. The authors suggest effective methods of processing and analysis of alternative space photos of the same area to estimate structural changes of geographic object images. A structural change is a change of object’s image boundary. Essential changes of observable scenes (such as object appearance or disappearance) are also structural changes. The developed methods of detection, allocation and analysis of domains with essential structural changes of topographic objects images from different classes have high automation degree. These methods are implemented in a specialized software module framework. The module is integrated into “ENVI” geoinformation system. Thismodule can be used to solve many applied problems effectively. Such problems include the problem of on-line analysis of existing digital topographic maps urgency to make a decision on renewal of nomenclatural sheets depending on a degree of detected structural changes of object images at alternative space photos of the same area. In addition, socially important problems are on-line monitoring anthropogenic accidents, estimating regional seismic danger, on-line ecological monitoring of the environment and others.
Keywords: topographic monitoring, structural changes, topographic object, space photo (satellite photo)
Visitors: 7336

15. An approach to modeling of parameters optimization for satellite system elliptical orbits [№1 за 2015 год]
Author: Doronkina A.N. ( - Tver State University;
Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to modeling elliptical orbits of the Earth's surface continuous review satellite system to optimize their parameters. For this purpose the author suggests an analysis of options for solving the problemof optimization of such review by a satellite system with elliptic orbits. There are descriptions of the conditions that characterize the motion model of a considered satellite system. The author considers Kepler model of satellite motion in Cartesian (Greenwich) coordinate system with the origin at the center of the Earth. To find the true anomaly the author uses an algorithm that includes a solution of Kepler's equation using a methodof suc-cessive approximations. The paper shows justifying of parameters optimality criterion for satellites orbits, the system of op-timization problem constraints. The author determins geocentric angular radius which changes over time when Earth artificial satellite goes from its perigee to apogee, as well as a satellite viewing angle. The author has selected a criterion function which is a geocentric angular distance between the radius vectors of the satellites and the current point on the Earth's surface at the current time. The choice of optimization parameters is proven. Taking into account the condition thatthe system con-sists of satellites groups and satellites in each group are moving along the same orbit, the problem dimension can be reduced. An optimization problem is stated clearly. The paper shows a satellites motion simulation in the satellite system under re-search using MathCAD2014 environment. As an example, the paper shows the trajectories of the sub-satellite points for three artificial satellites on the Earth map with characteristics corresponding to the characteristics of a known satellite system. The author presents the dependencies of changing the geocentric latitude and longitude of the sub-satellite points from time and visualizes their movement.
Keywords: optimisation, the optimality criterion, , elliptical orbit, satellite system, programming environment, modeling
Visitors: 11834

16. The layout of advanced simulators training facilities of ship radiocommunicatoins [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Sergeev V.V. ( - Military Institute of Continuing Professional Edication of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy”, Ph.D; Rodionov A.V. ( - Military Institute of Continuing Professional Edication of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy”, Ph.D; Puchko E.V. ( - Military Institute of Continuing Professional Edication of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy”;
Abstract: One of the most important problems of training quality improvement of ship operators is develop-ment of modern educational and training means. To train specialists along with using small-sized single task simulators, the Military Institute of Continuing Professional Edication of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy” also used radio communication simulators “Globus”, “Poseidon”, “Molniya”, TGS-4000 and “Marsim-C” and a complex simulator of ship operators “Plemya-S”. The article considers the opportunities and shortcomings revealed in the “Plemya-S” simulator life cycle. They are peculiar to other coherent simulators. The paper shows the absence of possibility of automatic control and adaptive reactions to actions of trainees in radio communication simulators at the tactical and special level. In this regard essential loading is assigned to the headof training who imitates work of the operators of a coastal commands and communication centers. The work increases in proportion to increasing of trainees in ed-ucational groups. The analysis of the “Plemya-S” simulator allowed us to offer ways to improve simulators of ship operators at the special, tactical and special and tactical levels and also admissible restrictions. The key part in the perspective exercise machine has to be assigned to development of complex radio exchange model of the Navy mobile objects with coastal commands and communication centers. It will allow solving system problems: didactic, research and practical.
Keywords: ways to improve, , part task simulator, requirements for simulators, naval signalman
Visitors: 9902

17. Human health controlling system: functional requirements and architecture [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Nefedov O.Yu. ( ) - Dubna Internacional University for Nature, Socitty and Man;
Abstract: Nowadays the demographic problem is a urgent issue in Russia. This situation is mostly caused by high mortality rate among Russian population from chronic no communicable diseases and low health level in general. It’s generally agreed that these mortality reasons are preventable and reduction of chronic disease risks is easily achievable with human health management system. Health management process requires significant resources of health system and first of all it is about staff. This problem is partially solved when shifting the health system focus to preventive care rather than dealing with the consequences of diseases. But it is also necessary to make a health management process effective and comfortable for patients and physicians, as well as to optimize the cost of the health system to support it. Health management information systems are an innovative approach to solving these problems. Herewith the information technologies in health management allow making continuous monitoring of health status and high efficiency in medical decisions which is the key to effective management. The article presents a developed of human health controlling system. The objective of the system is information support of health management process for patients with identified chronic diseases and patients wishing to maintain their health state at optimal level.The paper considers a variant of system implementation based on service-oriented architecture, as well as functional requirements for such systems. The article also considers the main principles of health management which are a base for this system and health management scheme using information systems.
Keywords: , health management, telemedicine technologies, health informatization
Visitors: 10775

18. Simulation model for repair and diagnostic complex benchmark evaluation [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Abu-Abed, F.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor, Dean), Ph.D; Martynov D.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Sergienko S.V. ( - Department of an Operational Administration Command the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation; Kordyukov R.Yu. ( - Main Department of scientific and research activities and technological support of the advanced technologies of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: A promising direction to improve a repair of complex geographically distributed technical systems (GDTS) is to create a repair and diagnostic complex (RDC) which can include performance monitoring sectors, diagnosis of components used in GDTS, as well as sections equipped with the necessary technological equipment, measuring tools, tools andaccessories for maintening replacement elements (RE). RDF is equippedwith means of power supply, spare equipment and accessories (SEA) and operational documentation to provide repair. It is assumed that personnel carrying out repairs have the appropriate expertise. RDF is presented as a three-phase multi-channel queuing system (QS). When distribution functions of service timediffer from exponential time, the study of such system complicates the use of analytical models. So the authors used simulation methods, C# object-oriented programming language and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IDE. The developed software implementation of RDF model allows estimating its functioning characteristics. The most important characteristic is the average time for request service in the system. It also determines the number of channels necessary on each section. The developed model can be aggregated into the overall research model of GDTS operating processes.
Keywords: replacement components, geographically distributed technical systems, , simulation, repair and diagnostic equipment
Visitors: 25612

19. Software system for disease diagnosis by chromatogram of blood serum sample [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Baram E.G. ( - A.P. Ershov Instituteof Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences;
Abstract: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with multichannel UV-detection has an important place in analytical chemistry. This method allows qualitative and quantitative analysing of substances in unknown samples. Current work isaimed to develop a software system that allows processing and classifying chromatograms. The mining information from input data process includes applying smoothing filters, finding chromatographic peaks and calculating its characteristics called “chromatographic fingerprint”: retention volume, peak area and spectrum. Further processing of receivedinformation is to identify similar peaks in different chromatograms by metric classification of its spectra, followed by transfer chromatogramsto a vector representation, decrease its dimensions and use fuzzy clustering algorithms. After finding main attributes of all clusters the work to optimize analysis method is provided. Optimization is based on modelling the chromatographic process of samples under different conditions. The system reliability depends on the parameters of the algorithms and the quality and quantity of training sets given by an expert. The developed software solution allows diagnosing of diseases including cancer, based on serum samples analysis (sample composition isunknown). It is also possible to use it in other areas of analytical chemistry, such as drugs standardization, foods and dietary supplements.
Keywords: expert system, noise filtering, , multiwave chromatography, clusterization,
Visitors: 10890

20. Counting people in a video sequence based on head detection [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Philippov I.V. ( - Intel Corporation; Kononov V.A. ( - Video Analysis Technologies, LLC; Konushin V.S. ( - Video Analysis Technologies, LLC; Konushin A.S. ( - (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the problem of counting people in selected regions for each frame of a video sequence. Nowadays there are no methods that estimate the number of people with high accuracy and which are compatible with differ-ent scenes without changing any parameters or training on a portion of new video sequence. This paper gives a survey of existing methods and presents a new algorithm which extends previously proposed method based on head detection. For head detection the authors use an algorithm based on weak cascade set with boosting. This algo-rithm uses sums of intensity, color, gradient magnitude, gradient filters responses values in rectangular areas as image fea-tures. Detector parameters are selected in order to maximize the detector recall. So that almost all human heads could be detect-ed in video sequence. Due to small resolution of human head in video sequences this leads to large number of false positives. The authors propose a multi-stage filtering procedure whichuses such criteria as detection size, human height, correspond-ence between detection and extracted foreground, temporal stability. Experimental evaluation on open ground truth dataset has demonstrated that the proposed algorithm outperforms previous algorithms based on head detection and shows consistent performance on different sequences without specific tuning.
Keywords: filtering, false positive, detector, video sequence, people counting, video analytics, computer vision
Visitors: 14814

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