ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

Journal articles №4 2017

11. Optimum entropy clustering in information systems [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: B.G. Askerova ( - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper researches the possibility of developing a new method for data clustering in information systems. Clustering is a process of searching possible groups in a given set using signs of similarity or difference between elements of this set. The existing entropy clustering method includes an information theoretic approach to a clustering task. The paper suggests a clustering method based on an entropy approach to selecting message items. The paper suggests a method of optimum entropy clustering of high-dimensional data in information systems. It also gives mathematical grounding of the method. The suggested method of optimum entropy clustering is based on the known principle “low entropy corresponds to big information content”. This make it possible to form an optimum clustering regime, as well as an attribute space reduction regime. The paper proposes a method for calculating a level of clustering optimality. It also describes a method for reducting attribute space of high-dimensional data upon their initial processing.
Keywords: entropy, information systems, high-dimensional data, optimisation, clusterization
Visitors: 8832

12. Estimation of website security status as badly formalizable objects based on fuzzy logic methods [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: D.T. Dim ( - Tver State Technical University; Bogatikov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Klyushin A.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article analyzes page load time, which is an important indicator for any website. Websites are typically hosted on web servers with certain characteristics. These websites interact with the environment, which is mostly aggressive and undefined (external threats, such as penetration, service denial, SQL code injection, etc.). It should be noted that there are uncertainties caused by hardware and software, which arise due to the reliability properties of software and hardware products. Thus, any website can be influenced by external factors and various subsystems serving website functions, which leads to abnormal situations and website operation uncertainty. The degree of uncertainty is not always practically feasible to estimate only based on statistical material. This leads to increasing the number of methods and means for intellectualizing the performance of estimations based on artificial intelligence methods, particularly fuzzy estimate methods.
Keywords: metrics, website analysis and characteristics, fuzzy logic, system analysis methods, decision making, intellectual system
Visitors: 8757

13. Analysis of website security status based on performance metrics [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: D.T. Dim ( - Tver State Technical University; Bogatikov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper is relevant due to the constant evolution of Internet infrastructure including conditions for optimal operation of web systems, information sources, e-commerce and various types of services. During the past twenty years, general information in the World Wide Web (WWW) and the number of users has increaseв almost two hundredfold. With this growth, requirements for technology has become even more critical. However, current research is more about a commercial aspect then the technical one. The paper pays special attention to assessing website performance quality regarding information technology indicators. It also considers a fuzzy Markov chain to define specific website productivity states.
Keywords: цепь маркова, тестирование веб-сайта, анализ сайта, метрики, web-сайта
Visitors: 4439

14. Using concept maps for rule-based knowledge bases engineering [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Dorodnykh N.O. ( - Institute of system dynamics and control theory SB RAS, Ph.D; Yurin A.Yu. ( - Institute of system dynamics and control theory SB RAS, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Using conceptual models in the form of concept maps for engineering rule-based knowledge bases of intelligent systems remains relevant. This relevance demands the development of specialized algorithmic and software. This paper considers an approach to prototyping of rule-based knowledge bases of expert systems based on analysis of IHMC CmapTools concept maps. The approach is based on the extracting structural elements of concept maps from the CXL files (Concept Mapping Extensible Language) and their transformation to the elements of a programming language, in particular, the C Language Production System (CLIPS). The paper describes the main stages of the approach, analyzed constructions of CXL files (in particular, concept-list, linking-phrase-list, connection-list). It also presents an illustrative example of transformations. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is using an ontological model as a universal intermediate form of knowledge rep-resentation derived from concept maps, which is independent to the knowledge base programming language. Another feature is the author’s graphic notation – Rule Visual Modeling Language (RVML) that provides visualization and modification of cause-effect re-lations as logical rules. The considered algorithms are implemented as a part of a software research prototype called the Personal Knowledge Based De-signer (PKBD). Currently, it is used in the educational process at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU) in “CASE-tools” and “Sowtware tools of information systems” courses.
Keywords: ihmc cmaptools, knowledge base, concept map, ontology, rules, transformations, code generation, CLIPS, rvml, knowledge acquisition
Visitors: 12164

15. A software complex to manage and test a distributed database [№4 за 2017 год]
Author: N.E. Timofееva ( - Chernyshevsky National Research State University of Saratov (Head of Laboratory); K.A. Polulyakh ( - Chernyshevsky National Research State University of Saratov (Laboratory Assistant);
Abstract: The paper considers a software solution to manage and test a distributed database, which also allows making the database distribution transparent to the user. The authors highlight the main theoretical aspects of distributed data storage, namely such concepts as a distributed database, a homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed database, table fragmentation, main criteria of database distribution, a client-server technology of distributed database design. The paper analyzes database test performance and reliability. It also gives database management system performance evaluation criteria that affect data processing speed and algorithmic solutions. The presented topic is relevant due to the lack of necessary tests for testing database management system performance, as well as the lack of a universal software package for distributed database design. The article describes the scheme and structure of server and client parts of the application software package. The authors have developed a software package for managing and testing a distributed database, which allows managing a homogeneous relational distributed database. The features of the application are the ability to test the database management system in all network nodes that participate in the creation of a distributed database, as well as the ability to include any other database management systems using a minimal addition of functionality to the software package.
Keywords: DBMS, server side, client side, testing dbms, testing distributed database, software package, homogeneous distributed database, distributed database
Visitors: 10631

16. A software package for nonuniform time series analysis based on continuous wavelet transformation [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Prokhorov S.A. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; A.A. Stolbova ( - Samara National Research University (Assistant);
Abstract: Wavelet transformation is one of the methods of data time-frequency analysis. In practice, the researcher often has to analyse nonequidistant (uneven) time series. For this reason, the paper considers algorithms for their continuous wavelet transformation. The authors propose an algorithm for obtaining an array of transformation even shifts, taking into account uneven source date. It means that they choose the interval of involuntary discretization, determine the number of shifts and then calculate their value. The proposed algorithm is the base for an algorithm of continuous wavelet transformation of nonequidistant time series. The process of estimating transformation coefficients uses only samples of time series that are in the width of a wavelet. The advantage of thу proposed algorithm is that the result of the transformation is an even representation. The developed algorithms are used in a complex of programs. The paper shows the results of experiments for models of nonuniform time series with p-transformation and with “jitter” (with uniform distribution and triangular distribution). The velocity of the algorithm can be increased by taking into account the effective radius of the mother wavelet and calculating its width.
Keywords: effective radius, nonuniform time series, continuous wavelet transformation
Visitors: 7713

17. Methods and tools of logic control algorithm design using graphic models [№4 за 2017 год]
Author: A.V. Paramonov ( - Heavy Engineering ”ORMETO-YUMZ” (Leading Engineer-Programmer);
Abstract: The paper discusses the problems of designing algorithms in automated control systems based on programmable logic controllers, in particular logic control algorithms. For example, these algorithms are implemented at the upper level of drive control systems. The algorithm designing process is called algorithmization. One of the main problems of algorith-mization of logic control tasks is a lack of visual, intuitive forms of algorithms, which do not require specific knowledge from a user. Here a user of an algorithm is both a programmer and an expert in the domain. In the case of a programmer, extra knowledge is problem area knowledge, in the case of an expert extra knowledge is knowledge about the formal theories behind algorithm representation forms and the skills of correct setting of a control problem. The aim of this research is increasing the abstraction level of logic control tasks design processes. To achieve this goal, the paper describes graphic models of automated processing stations as a tool for algorithmization of logic control tasks. It also formalizes the concept of a logic control algorithm in the context of graphic models and gives a detailed explanation of methods for obtaining logic control algorithms using graphic models in the form of the limited-entry decision tables and Moore automatic machine tables. The paper considers specialized environment for developing graphic models and logic control algorithms called Logic Algorithm Designer. It also describes the program interface, the main functionality and working principles. There are the examples of a logic control algorithm and the program code of IEC 61131-3 function block generated automatically from the algorithm. The proposed methods and tools of algorithmization allow improving the connection between a program developer and domain experts while maintaining high quality of these programs, ensuring their completeness and consistency. They also make it possible to reduce the development time due to automatic code generation and a much more detailed elaboration of a control algorithm.
Keywords: domain-driven design, graphical model, logic control algorithm, programmable logic controller, automation of programming
Visitors: 7432

18. Methods of representing text information in automated rubrication of short text documents [№4 за 2017 год]
Author: P.Yu. Kozlov ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute;
Abstract: The paper shows that citizens’ electronic messages (complaints, appeals, proposals, etc.) in terms of the possibility of their automated processing have a number of specific features. They are: usually a small document capacity, which makes it difficult to analyze it statistically, a lack of structuring, which complicates extracting information, a big number of grammatical and syntactic errors that lead to implementing several additional processing steps, thesaurus non-stationarity (composition and importance of words), which depends on the issuance of new normative documents, officials’ and politicians’ speeches, etc. All this leads to the necessity of using procedures for headings dynamic classification. The paper describes the stages of automated analysis and methods for formalizing text documents. It also proposes a developed rubrication method that uses the results of the morphological and syntactic stages with modified linguistic markup of text documents. The syntactic parser is MaltParser or LinkGrammar software that build dependency trees for all sentences in a document. The paper shows standard linguistic markings of MaltParser and LinkGrammar applied to short text documents, as well as a modification of the LinkGrammar markup to use for rubrication. Using known software for additional stages of analysis shows the problem of the diversity of linguistic markings. For example, most of the syntactic parsers at the output represent each sentence as dependency trees, which are described by linguistic markup. For further classification and assignment of weighting factors, linguistic markup should be modified, so it will increase the dimension of the metric. The developed method of rubrication takes into account the expert evaluation of the importance of words for each rubric, as well as the syntactic role of words in sentences. The paper shows a diagram of the process of automated rubrication of complaints and proposals in the developed analysis system. It also describes an experiment that confirms the expediency of using syntactic parsers in such systems, which leads to increasing accuracy of rubrication. There are recommendations to improve the accuracy of the developed method and use the theory of fuzzy sets and methods of cognitive modeling in order to solve the problem of thesaurus nonstationarity in the systems that depend on the issue of normative documents and officials’ speeches.
Keywords: methods for formalizing text documents, dynamic thesaurus, analysis automated analysis of texts
Visitors: 9361

19. On the problem of non-format documents retro-conversion in digital content formation and provision systems [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: A.N. Sotnikov ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Professor), Ph.D; I.N. Cherednichenko ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers mathematical reasoning of solving the problem of scanned non-format documents retro-conversion (documents recovery), as applied to the task of filling and publishing collections of digital libraries. It also describes the algorithms of automatic clustering and forming auto-adaptive fonts for documents retro-conversion. As a mechanism for working with clustered objects, the authors use a classical approach to form a feature vector based on the estimates calculating algorithm model that describes each object under consideration. The algorithm for automatic clustering is based on a statistical approach to forming characteristic vectors of each cluster and to the dynamic correction of separating hyperplanes. Due to the specifics of the tasks being solved, the authors use a contour approach to graphic objects processing, which allows applying frequency analysis methods based on the Fourier transform. The paper presents estimates of the necessary and sufficient dimension of a feature vector used both for describing graphic objects and for their recovery with minimal distortion after generating output documents during a retro-conversion procedure. Finally, the article shows possible prospects for development of the described method of non-format documents retro-conversion in the field of organization of contextual search within graphic documents.
Keywords: electronic libraries, automatic clustering, non-format documents, auto-adaptive fonts, retro-conversion
Visitors: 6747

20. A methodical approach to forming functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system for automated control systems and its software implementation [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Drobotun E.B. ( - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defense (Doctoral Student), Ph.D;
Abstract: One of the main stages of development and building of secured automated control systems for various purposes is the stage of forming requirements for the developed automated system including security requirements against computer attacks and other information technology impact. Effectively developed and reasonable functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system will allow on the one hand providing the necessary level of automated system protection, on the other hand minimizing consumption of computing and human resources of the protected automated system, the amount of which is limited and finite in any automated system. One of the possible ways to form and prove optimal functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system is using a risk-oriented approach to forming and reasoning of these requirements. The approach includes identifying the severity and probability of possible security threats against the protected automated system. The article offers a methodical approach to formation of functional requirements for computer attacks protection systems for automated control systems. It is based on a risk assessment of information security threats in the automated system and its safe operation threats. The application of the proposed approach will allow forming optimal functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system for automated control systems for various purposes. It will help to achieve optimal resource allocation in an automated system to ensure functioning of the computer attacks protection system.
Keywords: risk analysis, functional requirements, computer attack, automated system security threat, an automated system issue
Visitors: 6912

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