ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №2 2013

11. A method of artificial matching of SQL query to relational databases indexes [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Sorokin V.E. ( - Developed in the Research Institute "CENTERPROGRAMMSYSTEM", Ph.D;
Abstract: A local query optimization is an integral part of a database efficiency problem which is as relevant as ever in electronic. Its solving quality affects local queries performance optimization as well as more global optimization levels of da-tabase management systems. There are a lot of methods of local SQL-queries optimizing for relational and object-relational databases. The most of methods focus on lexical optimization, a reducing conversion of search conditions expressions (ab-sorption algorithms and logic expressions minimizing algorithms). In real databases there are different methods are optimal. One of the main tools to increase data retrieval productivity in relational database tables is to create indexes. The article gives a brief overview of the methods of query execution plans optimization and ranking criteria for these plans with a focus on the indexes appliance analysis in query performance improving. The special features of different indexes possible appliance are considered using an object-relational database management system PostgreSQL and Oracle. The article offers a method of improving local SQL Queries efficiency. It based on the joint optimization of WHERE sec-tion logical expression and a list of expressions ORDER BY section of SELECT query command in SQL with a list of com-posite index expressions. There are special conditions for its efficiency. The article shows a formal algorithm description that represents this method, and the simplest, yet affordable for a reader, example for assessing the method efficiency and its ap-propriate use.
Keywords: dependability, index, sql query, DBMS, relational database
Visitors: 13781

12. The development contradictions of computer training facilities for classroom training [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Struchkov A.M. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Associate Professor, Chief Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the problems of creating and using computer training facilities providing theoretical preparation Navy specialists. Computer training facilities include self-study education software, automated education systems and computer education and training systems (theoretical preparation mode) for carrying automated training sessions. High didactical efficiency of automated training sessions using education software is obtaining after sort out differences. The development contradictions of computer training facilities determine problems of creating and using computer train-ing technologies in Navy specialists training. This problem includes several major interrelated aspects: normative-technical, organizational, informational and didactic. The problem of creating computer training technologies using computer training facilities can be solved by education in-stitutions involvement in design work on didactic (and informational) application of education and training systems devel-opment.
Keywords: computer training technologies, interactive electronic documentation, computer train-ing and simulation system, automated training system, computer training program, training program, training facilities
Visitors: 12857

13. Aircraft system tactical simulator of Navy naval aviation [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Sikorsky S.T. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory), Ph.D;
Abstract: Flight crew training on flight simulators is essential in ensuring the safe operation of aircraft and helicopters, and in the effective implementation of their tasks. Aviation simulators in military are particularly valuable because they allow simulate real combat situation virtually with no limits. It is very difficult to simulate in peace during the exercise. The paper describes general theoretical questions and development issues regarding aircraft system tactical simulator of naval aviation. These simulators are designed for flight crew tactical training and the application of aircraft systems independently and in coordination with other forces in a united information-modeling environment. The possible structural schemes of tactical simulators construction for similar and different types of aircraft systems.
Keywords: integrated simulator crew, tactical trainer, flight simulators
Visitors: 13547

14. An indicator of engineering-economic analisys and the choice of ground-based radar alternate design [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Dopira R.V. ( - NPO RusBITex (Professor, Head of Department), Ph.D; Berdyshev V.P. () - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence, Ph.D; () - ; () - ;
Abstract: The article offers the new indicator of engineering-economic analysis and the choice of ground-based radar al-ternate design. It based on indicators convolution of tactical technical specifications (output performance) and maintenance engineering specifications. The article shows how difficult is engineering-economic analysis of ground-based radar alternate design for aerial objects detection and upgrading the existing radar stock. This difficulty connected to the need to use a lot of different indicators for evaluation. When solving multi-criteria and multivariable tasks and combining special indicators into one there is subjectivity of an experts group. Using linear search of radar parameters for estimation is time-consuming and of-ten gives questionable result. To speed up an enumeration of possibilities and to simplify the choice of preferred alternate, new indicator is developed. It allows eliminating uncertainty when making final decision. Offered indicator of engineering-economic analysis and the choice of ground-based radar alternate design based on quantitative assessment of the potentials for radar which implemented in a detection area formed using radar energy characteristic (detection range, positional accuracy, interference resistance); maintenance engineering using that determines possibilities of radar combat capability realization. They include: reliability characteristics (faultlessness, serviceability, endurance), radar cost performance (development, production and direct operat-ing costs) and finance resources depending on element base, radar design features, repair suitability and so on. This method is useful when upgrading existing radars and designing new air surveillance radars.
Keywords: directional pattern, radar field, detection zone, aircraft object, radar station
Visitors: 17484

15. Method of modeling the process of air facilities detection by ground surveillance radar in conditions of active noise jamming [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Bondarev S.K. ( - R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem»; Datnova L.V. ( - R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem»; Kulikov V.N. ( - R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem», Ph.D; () - ;
Abstract: The article considers the conceptual issues of the air objects discovery process modeling methodology by ground surveillance radar in conditions of active noise interference. The aim is to implement this process in a computer train-ing system for combat units staff of radio-radar troops. The analysis of the status and prospects of air and space attacks and used tactics shows that one of the ways to overcome the air defense system is intensive using of radio interference. The spe-cific tools of electronic warfare are in the inventory and using constantly. These tools allow making both active and passive noise. While simulating the radar detection process of air objects by ground surveillance radar it is important to consider the possibility of the task performances in a complex jamming environment, to take into account the noise creation features and radar interference attack. There are papers showing the approaches to the construction of active noise interference models. However, these approaches are impossible to implement in the ground radar model, operating in real time in a complex fluid target and jamming environment. The purpose of the article is to prove the rational and easy to implement in real-time meth-od of modeling the process of ground radar noise interference. The article represents the formulas correlations for calculation the fact of target detection and detection range in the conditions of noninterference and active radar jamming. The article contains illustrations modeled ground radar active noise interference on one of the Air Force radar using the method described in the article.
Keywords: compression ratio of detection zone, active noise interference, radar detection set, radar, training systems, modeling
Visitors: 22303

16. Combat operations modeling in operational-tactical and tactical simulators [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Ilin V.А. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Professor, Director), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the structure and contents of naval forces combat operations models as a design basis of operational-tactical and tactical simulator systems for crew training of command centers and ships and squadrons control posts. Combat operations modeling for operational-tactical and tactical simulator systems must reflect basic content and all main phases of ships and squadrons combat operations. Simulator systems models must include their forces models, enemy forces models, co-operation forces and surroundings models. These models contain objects models, means and weapons models and combat operations models. The complex of combat operations models represents knowledgebase of forces com-bat operations in different conditions.
Keywords: simulator, the training, training, combat system, naval action, operations, mathematical model
Visitors: 18744

17. Trainer creation for radio-technical troops subdivisions [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Arepin Yu.I. ( - RusBITech, Ph.D; ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: Simulators are the basis of current combat training for combat units of technical troops subdivisions. These simulators are represented by automation facilities sets and inbuilt software and hardware complexes in relevant radar station. Consequently investment of trainings is high because of the need to activate relevant prototypes of weapons and military equipment while carrying. Besides, carrying of complex trainings on inbuilt simulators is rather difficult. So self-contained simulator creation for technical troops subdivisions is relevant objective. A simulator (in simulated situation) must be in compliance with military equipment prototypes. This article describes a structure and general capabilities of a self-contained simulator «Test» created by R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem» (Tver) for technical troops subdivisions. The simulator «Test» provides carrying out of all types of trainings (individual, independent, complex) for combat units of radar-location and radio-technical squadrons fitted with modern digital radar stations. As for structure, the simulator is made as local area network which consists of server, automated working station (AWS) of education chief, automated training working station of radar operator and automated training working station of automa-tion facilities set operators. The AWS of education chief helps to imitate functions which provide educational trainings prepa-ration, training process control, training performance measurement, trainee scorecards maintenance and gradebook mainte-nance. Other AWS in the simulator structure imitate work principles and information models that are in compliance with princi-ples and models of real issue type. It simplifies the transition from a simulator to military equipment. The simulator «Test» has gone through official test and is recommended to batch series line production.
Keywords: automa-tion facilities set, radar station, training, educational training, trainee, education chief, workbench, simulator
Visitors: 13635

18. Complex simulator for firing operators training [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article presents the questions of practical using of a complex training simulator for a coastal striking force commander and division commanders, who manage striking force tactical employment and firing of divisions. Assignments, structure of the complex simulator, methods of using this simulator for practical training of firing operators are considered. The complex simulator is an educational and training innovative technical training aid that allows reaching handling compe-tence. This includes control skill of missile-firing exercise of the divisions and abilities to operate striking force tactical em-ployment, additionally providing calculation abilities development in weapon fighting operation using device models of mis-sile systems command system. The author suggests the definition «method of using» complex simulator with the explanation of configuration options of the simulator at various using methods. The content of simulator using methods is revealed. The algorithm of complex simu-lator operation parameters calculation is described: numbers of trainings for development of a demanded professional stand-ard and time of simulator loading in educational process.
Keywords: au-tomated working station of a trainee, au-tomated working station of a trainee, method of using, skill, missile system, managing division firing commander, training, complex simulator
Visitors: 11253

19. Development of the automation equipment model of formation of the scenario of air opponent actions for the ships air defence simulator [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: Прохоров А.А.
Abstract: The article considers the need of scenario formation process automation of the air opponent combat activity on the computer simulator for ships air defense specialists training. There is a list of interconnected calculations needed for this task solution. The article shows the algorithm of user actions (the head of training) when forming an initial educational situa-tion before using the instrument of scenario formation automation of the air opponent actions and when using it. There is a list of the parameters defining the degree of complexity of the formed scenario of air opponent actions. As a result, there are conclusions about time reduction when training preparing, and improvement the quality of specialists training when using these tools on a simulator.
Keywords: air opponent, ships Air defense, automation of scenario for-mation, algorithm, software model, training sessions, education chief, simulator
Visitors: 11626

20. Development of the training information model of training computer workstation of Navy tactical simulator [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article considers the process of development of the training information model (TIM) of the training com-puter workstation (TCW) of Navy tactical simulator. The concepts of TCW and TIM are defined basing on state standards. The TCW structure includes: hardware, software types and information content. The interrelation of TIM and TCW is de-fined. The application software and information content of TCW is developed according to TIM. The article describes the approach to TIM development through defining requirements to TIM. There are separate requirements to TIM: to specialist activities, to the organization of trainings, to estimation of trainee, to unification. This approach is applied in R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem» when developing simulators.
Keywords: unification, groups of requirements, requirements to training information model, simulator, computer workstation structure, trainee computer workstation, training information model
Visitors: 11119

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