ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №4 2009

1. Pgups education administrative system [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: Brief description of St.-Petersburg state transport university education administrative system architecture and main functions are discussed in the paper. Oracle technology based project has such main counterparts: Oracle DB10g, Oracle SSO, Oracle OID, Oracle AS 10g and Oracle Portal.
Keywords: Oracle Portal, Oracle AS 10g, Oracle OID, Oracle SSO, Oracle DB10g, education administrative system
Visitors: 16225

2. Instrumental system for solving multi-criteria choice [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; D.P. Burakov ( - Petersburg State Transport University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; M.I. Garina ( - Petersburg State Transport University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The software system SVIR-R, designed for solving of multi-criteria choices on a finite set of alternatives is described. The system implements the basic methods of choice. It is autonomy functioning and can complex with the MS Office information systems. The system can be configured for a given class of problems. It has been successfully used in the educational process and scientific research
Keywords: system configuration, ordering, classification, choice model, methods of choice, criterion, the importance of criteria, utility function, fuzzy set function, selection
Visitors: 21885

3. The system of calculating the priorities on the basis of matrices of paired comparisons [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The system is composed of a software system SVIR-R as a dynamic link library. It is intended to form the matrix of paired comparisons, analysis of their consistency and calculating the priorities of the entity. Algorithm for calculating the priorities is invariant under the four types of matrices, implemented in the system. The method of analysis of hierarchies is realized in it together with the system SVIR-R formed on the model of choice in it
Keywords: multicriteria optimization, the consistency of preferences, entity priority, expert preference, matrix of paired comparisons
Visitors: 22878

4. Ontology’s for realization of reverse tracing at development and maintenance of programs [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The short characteristic of a method of reverse trace of the code directed on improvement of intelligibility of programs in the course of their working out and support is given. Application ontology as means of representation of knowledge in the course of development and maintenance of programs is proved. The variant ontology, intended for representation of knowledge in the course of tracing and elimination of errors of the program project is offered
Keywords: relations, errors, the software, maintenance of programs, development of programs, representation of knowledge, ontology, reverse trace of programs
Visitors: 20617

5. Lexical ontologies WordNet in Semantic Wеb research [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The Semantic Web Research has resulted in the last years in significant outcomes. In this paper we review the last outcomes of Semantic Web technologies and descuss the requirements for lexical ontologies like WordNet. We describe Russian WordNet that is a lexical database for the Russian language and a conversion of Russian WordNet to RDF/OWL
Keywords: russian wordnet, wordnet, lexical ontologies, semantic web
Visitors: 19740

6. Universum technique using description of process of software development [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article is about a technique witch helps to describe the process of software development. The technique is based on the idea of stage ranging according to a criterion of material and information streams. It is shown that stages of creation correspond to universum functions of management. The conclusion is that universum approach increases efficiency and the quality of any development
Keywords: programming, control management, framework of organization, control function, design automation, software engineering, development of programs, universum
Visitors: 16300

7. Models for production planning based on nanotechnology [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Mezentsev Yu.A. ( - Novosibirsk State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The approach to solving tasks of nanotechnology based production planning has been proposed. Mathematical model for synthesizing of optimal schedules for multi-stage parallel-serial service systems taking into account conditions typical for nanomaterial production has been presented.
Keywords: mathematical model, scheduling, production planning, nanomaterial, nanotechnology
Visitors: 19828

8. Technology of development of scientific knowledge portals [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper presents the technology of development of scientific knowledge Internet portals which provide content-based access to the knowledge and scientific information resources related to certain knowledge area. Conception, architecture and information model of the scientific knowledge portal, as well as facilities for development, adjustment, management and maintenance of such portal are described
Keywords: content-based access, information resources, ontology, information model, scientific knowledge portal
Visitors: 19357

9. Identification of the technical condition on the basis of neural network models [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The technique of construction of expert system of identification of a technical condition of the process equipment on a basis нейросетевой is stated to model
Keywords: formal neuron , a neural network, the process equipment, identification of a technical condition, expert system
Visitors: 18510

10. Methods analisis of functional models [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Ilin V.А. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Professor, Director), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In this paper propose approach to analytics methods intending structure-functional models buildings on base of methodologies IDEF0
Keywords: markov process, orgraf, system, mathematical model
Visitors: 16680

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