ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №2 2021

1. The algorithms and the program for functional models verification [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: E.V. Burlyaeva ( - MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies) (Professor), Ph.D; V.V. Kononenko ( - MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies) (Postgraduate Student); Kornyushko V.F. ( - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (Professor, Head of Chair), Ph.D; S.V. Razlivinskaya ( - MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies) (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The methodology of functional modeling provides visual and understandable means of describing the domain for a wide range of specialists. The formal language for describing functional models and algo-rithms of its verifying are used in several commercial software systems but are hidden from the user. The paper proposes a formal language for describing a functional model based on graph theory. Within this language, each functional diagram is represented as a graph with marked edges. The nodes of this graph define the function blocks, the edges correspond to the arrows of the diagram. We develop rules for diagram bounds description with special nodes, the positions of the arrows using the system of roles, branching arrows as a set of special nodes, and multiple edges. The hierarchy which links indi-vidual diagrams into a single model, is defined by the relation of decomposition on graphs. A general-ized algorithm for constructing a set-theoretic representation of a functional diagram is developed. We form rules that connect the arrows of the parent and related functional diagrams in well-behaved constructed functional models. To verify these rules, a functional model verification algo-rithm has been developed. This algorithm is implemented by means of logic programming using the PROLOG language. The structure of the fact base for describing the decomposition relations, nodes, and edges of graphs is proposed. A set of predicates is provided to verify the correctness of the func-tional model description. For illustrative purposes is the verification of a generalized model of chemical manufacturing. Functional diagrams related to the detailed ratio describing single-stage chemical manufacturing, their set-theoretic representations, the PROLOG fact base, and verification results are presented.
Keywords: functional modeling, set-theoretic representation, the theory of counts, model verification, logic programming, prolog
Visitors: 6947

2. Threat projection to the future in complex distributed systems based on the mining of big data and automated monitoring tools [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: E.V. Palchevsky ( - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; O.I. Khristodulo ( ) - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; S.V. Pavlov ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In connection with the emergence of new technical possibilities for automatic measurement of the pa-rameters of the state of the external environment (including water levels), a method is proposed for predicting a flood situation in complex distributed systems for which there is a threat of material dam-age, using the recovered data from automatic stations based on stationary hydrological posts for moni-toring water levels. The relevance of the selected research topic is substantiated from the point of view of the applica-tion of the recovered data at the automatic stations for control and monitoring of water levels corre-sponding to the given condition for predicting a flood situation. Based on this, a mathematical formula-tion of the problem was formulated (based on short-term forecasting of water levels), within the framework of which an algorithm for searching for automatic stations and interpolation (restoration) of historical values of water levels was implemented to predict water levels in complex distributed sys-tems. The analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented threat forecasting method in complex distrib-uted systems as one module of an artificial neural network (as an example, the result is shown at the automatic station Bulgakovo located between the stationary hydrological stations Lyakhovo and Okhlebinino), according to the results of which the water level when forecasting for one day at the automatic station varied from 7 to 53 cm. Thus, as part of an artificial neural network, this method allows predicting water levels with ac-ceptable accuracy to predict a flood situation (for example, the 2020 flood in the Republic of Bashkor-tostan), which allows special services to carry out specialized measures to counter this threat.
Keywords: data recovery, complex distributed systems, threat forecasting, data intelligent analysis, neural network, flood situation, water level forecasting
Visitors: 7260

3. The core design of an integrated information system [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: Chernysh, B.A. ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Postgraduate Student); A.S. Kartamyshev ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Head of the Group of the Financial and Economic Problems Automation Department);
Abstract: The paper deals with a common problem in the design of corporate information systems, when it is necessary to solve simultaneously two conflicting objectives: the effectiveness of application in one specific subject area and flexible adaptation to the requirements of another area. To solve these prob-lems, there is an approach that consists in forming a software framework or platform that implements generalized functionality with the possibility of flexible configuration under evolutionary require-ments. The platform must comply with the requirements of modern realities, such as flexible service-oriented architecture, versioning, auditing and maintaining the history of changes, the ability to store binary data, flexible management of the life-cycle and business processes. The paper outlines the design concepts of such systems, underlying approaches, and technologies, interfaces of data exchange protocols. The author touches upon the application of modern domain-specific languages on top of these protocols. There are examples of existing domestic and foreign sys-tems, their application areas, advantages, and disadvantages. The paper describes the implementation of a comprehensive information platform based on a sys-tem developed by the authors in the production of technically complex product platforms. There are some applicable solutions and techniques, data structures, and algorithms. A comparative measurement of performing the developed system and one of the commercial platforms confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The resulting assessment is the basis for conclusions about the prospects of the development, its applicability in various subject areas. The author has developed a roadmap for further development and optimization of the platform in the most significant areas, considering the current requirements of the industry.
Keywords: corporate information system, software platform, core, interface, api, a control system, life cycle
Visitors: 7498

4. The access control system development based on face recognition [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: S.A. Antipova ( ) - General of the Army A.V. Khrulyov Military Academy of Logistics (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The basis of this work is the developed access control system based on face recognition. The program comprises four independent components: face detection in a video stream, face recognition based on a convolutional neural network, door/turnstile opening control, and a client web service. Each module works in its own process, so during the development of the project, you can transfer each module to a separate server. The agile development methodology (agile approach) ensures high speed and system quality. The key feature of the work is the substantiated application of deep learning technology on the ex-ample of the created model of the software tool using the technology of one-shot learning or siamese networks, implemented using the PyTorch framework. MobileNetV3 was used as a pre-trained neural network. Siamese networks are convenient for use from the point of view of the absence of the need to form a huge dataset with data, which is especially important for face recognition. The architecture of such networks comprises two identical neural networks with the same weight and structure, and the working results are transferred to one activation function - thus, the similarity of the input data (simi-larity assessment) is determined based on the comparison of the values of two vectors. The enterprise’s point of entry tested the system, considering the biometric data of employees, on which the neural network was trained. The system showed high accuracy in identifying individuals. The proposed service-oriented architecture allows scaling the authentication and verification sys-tem horizontally and vertically. If necessary, system components can be physically placed on different servers, increasing the throughput of the system as a whole.
Keywords: access control system, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, face recognition
Visitors: 7310

5. Algorithms of the automatic text analysis for the Russian language for solving applied problems using TAWT framework [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: E.V. Politsyna ( - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Associate Professor), Ph.D; S.A. Politsyn ( - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Associate Professor), Ph.D; S.A. Porechny ( - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The paper reviews the existing tools of linguistic text analysis. The authors identified the problem of selecting suitable tools, adapting them to work with texts in Russian, and integrating them with each other. This makes it difficult to use these tools both for research purposes and makes it almost impossi-ble to use them in applied systems. The paper describes the new open-source Java framework TAWT, developed by the authors, that provides convenient ready-made software tools and data structures for the main stages of text analysis in the Russian language that meet the modern requirements for perfor-mance, reliability, project build engine, etc. The paper proposes an approach to the intellectualization of information systems and business pro-cesses using software tools for linguistic text analysis to implement algorithms for automating the pro-cessing of technical documentation, which is the scientific novelty of the work. The application of the developed TAWT framework allowed implementing algorithms for automating the analysis of the text in Russian in terms of the analysis of technical documentation: validating the structure of documents and the list of abbreviations used in the document, searching for similar documents, and obtaining their brief content. All this will simplify the technical documentation management, speed up the process of its preparation, and upgrade the quality of the created documents. The algorithms of automatic text analysis implemented by the TAWT framework have been suc-cessfully applied in application systems for searching friends by interests in social networks, identify-ing fraudulent mes- sages, working with thematic synonyms, as well as for creating software tools for selecting keywords from texts in Russian and referencing them.
Keywords: automated text analysis, natural language processing, computational linguistics, nlp, text analysis framework, morphological analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic-syntactic analysis, text documentation analysis
Visitors: 8114

6. Planning and computer simulation of an experiment to simulate the goal presence for a radar station [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; A.K. Morozov ( - Tver State Technical University (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The paper examines the issue of measuring the tactical characteristics of radar stations (radar), such as, for example: detection range, the number of goal coordinates and the accuracy of their determination, resolution for each coordinate, visibility zone, and others. At the moment, the tactical characteristics are determined based on technical characteristics and using a full-scale experiment, involving aircraft, laboratory aircraft, and other objects. The complexity of a natural experiment in its organization and a few goal objects, it is also costly in terms of resources (monetary, administrative, labor, time). It is proposed to collect initial data (coordinates and the number of localized targets by the radar station, coordinates and the number of simulated targets by the onboard equipment of the carrier) and further analysis (statistical processing of data from the station and onboard equipment of the carrier) to simulate the goal presence for the radar station equipment by emitting an echo signal targets at the giv-en coordinates. The echo signal is synthesized by the equipment (generator and onboard computer) lo-cated onboard the carrier (unmanned aerial vehicle). The carrier positions the onboard equipment in angular coordinates (azimuth and elevation) corresponding to the angular coordinates of the simulated target, but at a much smaller distance. The range (distance between the goal and the radar) of the simu-lated target is controlled by the onboard equipment by changing the parameters of the generated echo signal (the delay time of the emitted pulses relative to the emitted pulses by the radar equipment) cor-responding to the simulated target. The advantage of the proposed method is the expended net resource (time, labor, money) and the ability to control the number of simulated targets by changing the structure of the echo signal.
Keywords: imitation of a radar target, computer modeling, unmanned aerial vehicle, qtcreator, C++
Visitors: 6291

7. The dynamic form model of radar target priorities using fuzzy logic methods [№2 за 2021 год]
Author: A.A. Nepryaev ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Сhief Specialist);
Abstract: The paper focuses on creating a cognitive resource management system for a multifunctional multi-channel radar with an active phased antenna array. The author has developed a control system archi-tecture based on a radar scheduler, which provides an optimal distribution of the last resources of the radar, such as time, energy, and computing. We have created a simplified verification model of the ra-dar station, which makes it possible to automate the development and debugging of the components of the radar resource management system. To solve the problem of resource allocation, the author suggests implementing the concept of a cog-nitive management system for the case when the system plans its actions based on the analysis of the external situation and its internal state. The paper schematically describes the estimates and forecasts of the employment of energy and computing resources by using the thermal model of the transceiver modules and the model of the primary radar information processing path. The paper describes the designated efficient use of time resources because of the dynamic prioriti-zation of problems for tracking radar targets using fuzzy logic methods. The author shows how the proposed method of prioritizing radar targets affects the distribution of radar resources in situations of capacity overload when it is necessary to decide about which problems and for which goals to perform within the established time limits, and which can be queued or reset. The object of the paper is to show the results of modeling the module for prioritizing tracking problems, considering such parameters as speed, range, the direction of movement, and quality of target tracking.
Keywords: resource allocation, multifunction radar, radar station, fuzzy logic, priority, phased array radar
Visitors: 7914

8. Algorithm for direction-finding of localized objects of traffic flows on digital satellite images [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: V.S. Tormozov ( - Pacific National University (Senior Lecturer); A.L. Zolkin ( - Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Assistant Professor), Ph.D; А.U. Mentsiev ( - Chechen State University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The paper proposes a unique algorithm for determining the direction-finding of localized objects in traffic flows based on ultra-high resolution satellite shooting data and geographical information on the location of MAC sections. The program implementation of the developed algorithm is a component module of the program traffic control system. We provide the input of the module with data on the in-terpolated model of the stage, as well as on the location and size of each localized vehicle on the stage. At the output of the module, the direction of its movement is determined for each vehicle: forward or reverse. The algorithm is based on comparing the position of vehicles and the central interpolated line of the MAC section on digital images of the sections. We have developed a unique algorithm for finding a minimum length segment from a point to a broken line on a plane. We used the algorithm as one stage of the stages of the algorithm for determin-ing the direction of movement of the vehicle at the MAC stage. The approach is based on comparing the relative position of the object and the centerline. Due to the unambiguity of correlation of the rela-tive location of centerline with central point parallel to axes of limiting rectangle of localized vehicle, the direction of motion is determined with high accuracy. Due to this, the direction of motion previous-ly detected by the vehicle is determined with high accuracy. The authors undertook a study of developed algorithms on real satellite data. Analysis of the re-search results showed that the developed algorithm for determining the direction-finding works with high accuracy. The experimental evaluation of the work consists of the formation of a calculated metric for a set of previously extracted local regions. Because the algorithm assigns the vehicle to one of the two directions of traffic, we chose the accuracy of the correct determination of the direction of move-ment as a heuristic metric. It is determined that the error in the direction definition is related to the in-accuracy in determining the coordinates of the centerline of the local road section.
Keywords: digital image processing, vehicle, street road network, satellite imagery
Visitors: 6491

9. Developing rules for detecting hidden data in PDF documents [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: A.V. Sergeev ( - National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Department of Applied Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Postgraduate Student); Khorev P.B. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper discusses the definition and implementation of rules for analyzing and detecting hidden in-formation inside PDF documents. Currently, there is a lot of work devoted to detecting hidden elements in images, sound, and video, but little attention is paid to hiding data in electronic documents of vari-ous formats. A widespread format in modern electronic document flow is PDF (Portable Document Format), which is also of interest for studying the possibility of its use in steganography (the science of methods of hiding confidential messages inside container objects). Documents in PDF format have not been sufficiently researched (especially in Russian literature) from the point of view of the possibility for introducing hidden data into them. Systems for the prevention of data leaks (DLP, Data Leak Protection) are designed to prevent leak-age of confidential information from the information system to the external circuit through various in-formation transmission channels. DLP systems are based on the analysis of data streams crossing the perimeter of the protected information system. When confidential information is detected in this stream, an active component of the system is triggered and the transmission of a message (packet, stream, session) is blocked. Modern DLP systems are unable to detect data hidden in steganographic containers and do not al-low adding the necessary functions to their composition. For corporate networks with high network traffic and high value of transmitted and processed data, means of detecting steganographic attach-ments in the information flow are required. The paper discusses the PDF document format, as well as one of the popular open-source intrusion detection and prevention systems – Suricata, which has pow-erful support for scripting in the Lua language for detecting information security threats. A script in Lua has been developed to detect PDF documents with unwanted attachments as scripts, various ob-jects, and the use of inter-container space with the possibility of obfuscating (obfuscating) the name.
Keywords: steganography, data hiding, suricata system, lua language, pdf format
Visitors: 5856

10. Software solution for modeling of a phased antenna array radiation pattern and coding of phase shifter parameters [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: T.V. Kalinin ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Professor ), Ph.D; D.V. Bogomaz ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Senior Lecturer); D.V. Khrestinin ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Lecturer); A.V. Vikhrev ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Сadet);
Abstract: For detection and tracking of space objects, it’s necessary to control the position of transmitting and receiving radiation patterns (RP) within a section of the radar coverage area. In modern radar stations (RS) with phased antenna array (PAA), positioning of RP is performed by phase method of determining azimuth and elevation angles. For the phase method implementation, the phase of every PAA emitter must be determined. The paper presents a mathematical model and software implementation of phases and digital control code calculation for every phase shifter. The software solution allows for researching PAA RP accord-ing to the beam direction, the number of emitters, and phase shifter discreteness. The software solution is an application with a graphical interface, written in the C++ programming language in Qt Creator programming environment. Analysis of existing RP PAA simulation software systems (Sensor Array Analyzer package from Matlab 2013 and above, Mathcad, CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, ANSYS HFSS) showed that they do not have the possibility of changing the discreteness of phase shifters, calculating phase codes of phase shifters and visual representation of errors in setting the direction. Thus, the novelty of the software model lies in the visual representation of the theoretical radiation pattern and the radiation pattern, considering the errors that arise because of the discreteness of the phase shifters, which allows it to be used for training specialists in the phased array antenna.
Keywords: directivity diagram, phase shifter, digital codes, software package, qt creator programming environment
Visitors: 7203

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