ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №2 2013

1. Computer-aided control system design in secured implementation [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Karpov V.V. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (1st Deputy Director General), Ph.D;
Abstract: One of the main activities of R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem» is computer-aided control system design in secured implementation. The article describes relevance issues of this activity. The relevance is proved by Government careful attention which is generally expressed as a wide range of legal documents regulating activities in the information se-curity area. The choice of secured automated system design approach involves creating a multilevel security system. This se-curity system is based on operating system-level hardware-software complex which includes only domestic project decisions. Other security tools components are arranged on general, custom and functional software levels. They must provide se-curity circuit closure and conformance to the regulatory documents requirements of Federal Service for Technical and Export Control on computer-aided systems security. The development of hardware-software complex of information access security «Rebus» completed the part of the task – to create a security system base. The next task – to create a development technology for secured automated system.
Keywords: design technology, software, information security system, an automated system issue
Visitors: 12729

2. Distributed simulation architechture design when creating Navy training set [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Bazlov A.F. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Head of Department); Risunkov V.B. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Head of Department), Ph.D; Sokolov S.N. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Deputy Director General), Ph.D; Struchkov A.M. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Associate Professor, Chief Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The need of ships and submarine training facility which considers exploitation distinctive features and combat employment of particular weapons and military equipment test pieces is increasing. It determines integration processes ori-ented to combining separate task trainers and warfare simulators in training sets which work under one command in one tac-tical environment. The staff of R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem» has developed an aggregate approach to distributed simulation architecture designing for such systems as software simulators of weapons and military equipment, task trainers and warfare simulators. There is the main problem when integrating training aids with different functional purpose into train-ing set. It is a construction of common information simulation environment and common administration based on distributed simulation architecture. A computing simulation complex is the main element of a training set which determines distributed simulation system architecture for common information simulation environment construction.
Keywords: simulation library, computing simulation complex, information simulation environment, distributed simulation architecture, training set, training aid
Visitors: 8992

3. Automated prediction calculations of operating costs of surface ships [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: V.V. Kochnev ( - R&D Institute (Scientific Secretary, Main Specialist), Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; Tretyakov O.V. ( - Russian Naval Research Institute for Shipbuilding and Armaments, Military Education and Research Centre of the Russian Naval Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article is devoted to the automation of operating costs prediction calculations of surface ships by develop-ing software in order to increase the efficiency of ships logistics. There are algorithms and information support for operating costs prediction calculations at different stages of the life cy-cle and in different operating regimes of a surface ship. The article determines the composition of program modules and their functions, how they function, the structure of necessary normative-reference and operational information. Software tools fa-cilitate calculations for different types of main propulsion plant ships. The task of prediction calculations of surface ship operating cost is solving by technical services while cost estimation of the shipyard overhaul, the cost of fuel and lubricants supply, technical and naval stores supply and other supplies. Software and infoware development to automate the operating costs prediction calculations can balance available operat-ing resources and plans of the ship using with regard to its technical condition.
Keywords: technical condition, prediction calculations, costs, ships maintenance, algorithm, infoware, normative-reference information, life cycle, software, plans of using, technical readiness, automation
Visitors: 13409

4. Using ontologies in ships operation tasks [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article expounds the possibility of using computer ontologies in ships operation tasks, provides examples of ontologies implementation on a particular subject, considers possible alternatives of knowledge base realization. It also provides a formal ontology model and ontology decomposition variant by levels, conventionally divided into a level of ab-stract description, implementation and knowledge base. In addition, there are descriptions of the ontologies handling prod-ucts, such as Protégé and some of its plugins. With implementing the ontology it is proposed to use ontology description lan-guage OWL promoted by the W3C. Actually it is a dictionary extending the set of terms defined by RDFS. A specialized query language SPARQL can be used to replenish the ontologies contents. The query results are represented by the result sets or RDF-graphs. At the end of the article there are main advantages and problems in ontologies using and some promising ways of solving.
Keywords: subject area, ontology, knowledge base, inference, owl, rdfs, sparql, mathematical model, software, dynamics of ships
Visitors: 15340

5. Fuzzy queries application in plan tasks of ships maintenance and repair [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes the problem of planning ships maintenance and repair, provides examples of fuzzy que-ries in relational databases and analyzes their possible using in considered task. The author discovers the fuzzy sets theory conception, shows types of heterogeneous information, describes conceptions of fuzzy variable and linguistic variable, ana-lyzes applicability of using fuzzy queries in relational databases. The article describes the conception and tasks of the maintenance and repair, considers possible application of fuzzy queries, compares results of accurate queries and fuzzy que-ries used in one task. The author also gives examples of software implementing fuzzy logic tasks.
Keywords: repair, maintenance service, planning, fuzzy logic, fuzzy queries
Visitors: 12492

6. Using of network planning elements in working-out of a logistics support plan [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: This article describes issues of working-out of a logistics support (LS) plan using network planning elements. The paper gives notions of LS network planning, LS network management, LS network plan, LS network roadmap, depend-ent and independent procedures of LS network plan, bond types between procedures, slack time of procedures timely perfor-mance. In respect to logistics support the article determines background of network planning, types of possible restrictions on procedures timely performance, possible connections between activities of a network plan. It also provides LS network plan-ning algorithm, calculations and payment schemes of slack time depending on the type of restrictions imposed on timely per-formances. As a result there is a network roadmap in the form of a Gantt diagram.
Keywords: slack time of procedures timely performance, timely performances restrictions, bond types between procedures, logistics support network roadmap, logistics support network plan, logistics support planning of operation
Visitors: 7846

7. Methodical issues of analysis and design of advanced hardware automated system [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Arepin Yu.I. ( - RusBITech, Ph.D; () - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes methodical issues of analysis and design of hardware automatic control system (ACS) of Russian Federation uniformed service. Three primary scientific targets of hardware ACS analysis and design are emphasized, their formalized statements are shown. Measures of efficiency that can be used while estimation of hardware ACS alternative development are considered. There are proposals to achieve chosen targets at the stages of hardware ACS life cycle. The au-thor presents grounds of complex of characteristics determining the efficiency and quality of hardware ACS and gives rec-ommendations how to use rational particular system quality indicators.
Keywords: system efficiency, military authorities, system quality indicators, hardware acs
Visitors: 6397

8. Architecture of sea rescue automation facilities set [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; Kuryatnikov V.V. ( - Developed in the Research Institute "CENTERPROGRAMMSYSTEM", Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the issues of architecture of sea rescue automation facilities set. The automation facilities set must provide data support for task solutions by operation control of Navy search and rescue aid while preparing and reali-zation of sea rescue. The article describes typical software and hardware complexes as structural elements of automation fa-cilities set needed to create architecture. A facilities set architecture is hierarchical multi-pillar system which covers control posts (search and rescue posts) on different levels and emergency rescue units according to their areas of responsibility. The article determines types of objects for automation facilities accommodation, total amount of typical software and hardware complexes and quantity of complexes of each type needed to create a system.
Keywords: software and hardware, search and rescue aid, sea rescue, automation facilities set, command center, navy, emergency rescue works
Visitors: 9741

9. A redundancy-based functional reliability method for automation facilities sets [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: V.L. Lyaskovsky ( - Research Institute of Information Technologies (Professor), Ph.D; Dopira R.V. ( - NPO RusBITex (Professor, Head of Department), Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ; Begletsov A.A. () - Military Representativ Office of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation;
Abstract: A redundancy-based method providing a required level of functional reliability of radio-electronic equipment control systems is given. The reliable task solution probability is chosen as the reliability index. The formula for calculating the probability of the reliable task solution is proposed. It considers soft errors and hard faults. The redundancy optimization problem is formulated. An objective function for the optimization task is designed and converted to the form suitable for the bivalent programming. It includes boolean variables. Exact and approximate methods of optimization are realized in MATLAB. The formulas for calculating average time of the optimization using exhaustive and heuristic methods are given. Accuracy estimations of the heuristic methods are given.
Keywords: heuristic, solution of optimization problems, methods of temporal redundancy, backup, functional reliability, automation facilities set
Visitors: 7243

10. Data presentation in software developing of search-and-rescue technical resources information processing [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: Reut E.V. ( - Research Institute «Centerprogramsystem»;
Abstract: The article considers a presentation form of structured data in relational database taking into account condition of search-and-rescue resources information specificity – data are presented as a tree-structured relation. In this case tree-structured relation has a limited quantity of nesting levels and various entities of tree nodes. The article shows certain de-scription methods of the similar structure type in relational database analyzing each method and recommending the presenta-tion form of that kind of structure in a relational database. While choosing presentation form it is necessary to implement such data in software equally as a folded tree and as un-folded structure.
Keywords: nests method, path in a tree materialization method, adjacent vertices method, adjacency matrix, tree-type structure, structured data, relational database
Visitors: 12494

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