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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2015
1. Electromechanical systems diagnosis based on neural network technologies [№3 за 2015 год]Authors: Palyukh B.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Sprekher D.M. ( - Novomoskovsk Institute of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Bogatikov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The authors suggest a block diagram and hardware implementation of equipment for electromechanical systems (EMS) technical condition diagnostics. EMS include an acquisition unit, encoding unit, a unit that forms a group control signal of EMS technical condition, its transmission to a communication channel and to a receiving unit for the EMS technical condition group control signal, primary processing unit, extraction and neural network analysis units. The main element of EMS diagnosing neural network system hardware facilities is the neural network device, which shows the output response of a decision neural network regarding EMS technical condition. The article proves the feasibility of using neural chips in embedded diagnostics systems of EMS technical condition. At the same time neurocomputer and transputer computing systems are useful when the unit of collection, coding, generation, transmission of EMS technical condition group control signal is in one zone, and the receiving unit of the EMS technical condition group control signal, its primary processing, extraction and neural network analysis is in another zone. Suggested special software for diagnosing EMS states includes software and mathematical modules for preliminary statistical processing of measured EMS parameters arrays, modules for models synthesis, as well as modules for using synthesized models depending on the class of technical condition control tasks. The paper shows a research on the possibility of applying software of neural networks options for diagnosing complex EMS with a given reliability. There are results of this study.
Keywords: neural network, performance control, electromechanical system
Visitors: 13320
2. Human-intelligent software systems of creative problem solving intelligent support [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Kuznetsov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Klyushin A.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Mutovkina N.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the basics of creating human-intelligent software systems for creative problem solving intelligent support. Human intellect is determined by his brains, mind capabilities, its features and errors including neurophysiological and neurochemical processes in the human brain. This refers primarily to man's creative activity including decisionmaking for creative problems by scientists and research groups. Decision-making happens in all areas of human activity and is the defining element of management process. It is often necessary to make decisions in the conditions of data incompleteness, uncertainty and ambiguity. For example, it refers to decision-making when managing various economic entities activity, which usually have a rather difficult structure and a variety of the processes happening within them. Management subjects have their own interests, opinions, judgments, arguments on a specific question, points of view regarding an existing problem solution, this all brings additional uncertainty and assumes preliminary coordination of interests of decision-making process participants. Nowadays there is a problem of creating information and software systems to support creative solutions that would take into account and use the abilities of scientists and groups of scientists. In this case, it makes sense to talk about human-intelligent information and software systems to support creative solutions of creative problems.
Keywords: fuzzy conclusion, fuzzy logic, system analysis methods, human-intelligent system, decision making, intellectual system
Visitors: 13490
3. The optimal control software environment for a nonlinear system class via quadratic criteria [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: A.P. Afanasiev ( - 1 Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IITP RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Professor), Ph.D; S.M. Dzyuba ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Emelyanova, I.I. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The paper presents a distributed software environment for a feedback optimal control synthesis. The control is performed by one class of nonlinear systems via quadratic criteria. This software environment is based on a special method of successive approximations. The successive approximation method convergence is guaranteed in the case of a single optimal control. The software implementation is performed by means of symbolic computation in a distributed environment.
Keywords: , , , optimal control,
Visitors: 11172
4. Software package for interpretation of nonverbal information by analyzing speech patterns or electroencephalogram [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Filatova N.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Sidorov K.V. ( - Tver State Technical University; Terekhin S.А. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: Interpretation of non-verbal information that is contained in speech samples and EEG patterns provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of human emotional reactions characteristics. The article considers software focused on this problem. The software package allows sample signal processing using both spectral analysis and nonlinear dynamics. It is possible to perform a calculation of a power spectrum or the reconstruction of attractors. The authors propose three types of signs to compare attractors: the maximum length of vectors describing the attractors’ projections contours, the density of the attractors’ projections trajectories, the degree of sparse matrix density of attractors’ projections trajectories. A user can create different versions of speech patterns models or EEG signals using the features that characterize the attractors geometry or power spectra. The models of biomedical signals provide transition to fuzzy features. Signs fuzzification is carried out using a triangular conorm. The interpreter emotions module evaluates three characteristics: the sign of an emotion, its level and direction of development (dynamics of emotions). The relationship between these characteristics and signal models components is described as a set of fuzzy rules. The software package has been tested on a set of speech samples in Russian, French and German, as well as on the samples of the EEG signals. The accuracy of the Russian speech emotions characteristics interpretation was 96%, for German (from Emo-DB base) it was 92 %. The coincidence of the emotions interpretation results using speech patterns and EEG recorded in the same test is experimentally proved.
Keywords: attractor, nonlinear dynamics, fuzzy set, power spectrum, eeg signals analysis, speech analysis, emotions interpreter
Visitors: 12095
5. On the application of linear programming to enhance the survivability of technological processes automated control system [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Matveev, Yu.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Grigoryev V.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Stukalova N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The article discusses the ways to improve the safety and efficiency of a destruction complex for organophosphorus agents using development of applied mathematical methods for increasing the reliability and survivability of TPACS of a chemical weapon destruction facility when the hazard level is normal. A management problem is formalized. The problem of optimal control is formulated as a maximization problem. The problem of industrial complex operational management is formulated as a linear programming problem. The objective function of this problem is a linear function, which determines the maximum possible mass of toxic substances that is destroyed in one cycle. The coefficients of a linear function are the price of products and energy flows. Tolerance range of regime parameters of technological operations (capacity balance equation, material flows tolerances, load range) define the scope of restrictions for the objective function. The authors developed a method of determining the intervals of linear model input variables, which do not lead to a significant deviation from the found optimum and at the same time provide stability of the optimal solution when model parameters change; such intervals which indirectly contribute to the survivability of the technological system.
Keywords: tolerance range, optimal control, technological operation, linear function, , mathematical model, a chemical weapon destruction object
Visitors: 12698
6. Numerical methods for determining aircraft spatial attitude according to its 2-d optical images [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Mirzoyan А.S. ( - P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University; Malyshev O.V. ( - P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, Ph.D; Khmarov I.M. ( - Research Center of the Central Research Institute of Air and Space Defense Troops of Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ph.D; Meshkov V.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Shakhov S.V. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The paper presents numerical methods of determining an aircraft spatial attitude according to its optical image: namely modernized method of reference points and external contours method. In general, the task is to define a spatial position of a solid according to its central projection on a plane. Each of these methods allows receiving accurate solving the problem of determining an aircraft spatial attitude in panoramic view systems. In particular, both of the methods give the opportunity to define an aircraft spatial attitude at close distances between aircraft center and a receiving matrix. In case of automatic method of external contours such a definition is carried out in real time using standard calculating facility. The authors propose a modification of a new method of external contours in comparison with the one elaborated earlier. It is based on the transfer of all calculations from a flat physical receiving matrix to a virtual spherical receiving matrix and their automation. Practical implementation and accuracy testing of the reference points method were carried out using coordinate-measuring stand including tracking an optical channel receiving matrix. Plotting and following processing of aircraft images external contours were made using a tracking function received on the coordinate-measuring stand. There is a comparison of the experimental results obtained using the method of external contours with the results received using the method of reference points in order to determine the distance and angles of orientation of the aircraft spatial attitude. The elaborated numerical methods of determining an aircraft spatial attitude according to its optical image provides miscalculation when calculating angles of aircraft orientation: for the reference points method it is 1.5 degrees, for the external contours method it is 4 degrees. The methods are implemented as corresponding software for systems of external control and aircrafts recognition.
Keywords: aircraft, external contour, spatial position, pattern recognition, software product, 2d approximation
Visitors: 16666
7. Active logic and logic programming: integration of the concepts [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Fominykh I.B. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Vinkov M.M. ( - Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Ph.D; Pozhidaev A.K. ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: The article discusses the integration of active logic and logic programming concepts. Active logic combines several formalisms of so-called reasoning in time, that are considered not as a static sequence of statements, but as a process taking place in time. The principles in such logical systems are relevant in solving complex management tasks in a hard real-time mode. These tasks can be characterized by existing situations when exceeding allowed response time to what is happening in the external environment event can lead to catastrophic consequences, not a performance gradual deterioration. The concept of logic programming is to define the semantics of non-monotonic formalisms in terms of sets of liters, rather than more complex structures like Kripke as in other non-monotonic systems. This fact has a beneficial effect on the computational complexity of logic programs. As a result of combining the principles from these concepts, the authors obtained non-monotonic formalism that meets the concept of active logic. It seems simpler to implement and has the best characteristics of computational complexity comparing to other currently existing systems of active logic. The paper describes procedural and argumentation semantics for the proposed formalism. Unlike other systems of argumentation, in this semantics the relationships between the arguments are developing in time.
Keywords: procedural semantics, active logic, argumentation semantics, nonmonotonic output, hard real-time
Visitors: 10300
8. Information-analytical system for complex manufacturing machine-building projects management under uncertainty [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Dli M.I. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; Stoyanova O.V. ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the methods of decision-making support in complex manufacturing machine-building projects management based on analysis of the project’s predicted effectiveness. Predicted effectiveness is evaluated on the basis of goal attainability indexes. Calculation of attainability indexes under uncertainty is made in accordance with the proposed algorithms using the integrated project model. Coefficients of experts’ confidence in the attainability of the initial goals are used as source data. The values of attainability indexes are adjusted during project implementation on the basis of actual values of goal criteria indicators. The authors propose a modified algorithm of goal attainability index calculation. It allows estimating the potential impact on the process of external events. Analyzed events can be associated with various types of logical relations. Their impact on the project goals can have a different degree of influence depending on current stage of this project. The algorithm allows calculating measures of belief and disbelief to the possibility of achieving the goal under the influence of events that represent, respectively, the cumulative positive and cumulative negative impact of external factors on the project. The paper presents the analysis of complex manufacturing projects management problems in which the proposed methods can be used. These methods are implemented as special software of the information-analytical system for decision-making support. The article describes the procedure of applying this system in machine-building enterprises. It also considers an example of practical use of information-analytical system for decision-making support (IASDMS) in the project of creating a traction electrical equipment set of hybrid drive vehicles.
Keywords: goal attainability index, predicted effectiveness of the project, coefficients of confidence, information uncertainty, information-analytical system for decision making support, complex industrial project
Visitors: 8655
9. a-tasks in guaranteed optimal management of industrial enterprises innovative development [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Matveykin V.G. ( - Tambov State Technical University, Ph.D; Dyakin V.N. ( - Tambov State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Regular introduction of innovations in production processes and changing a stock list to match market requirements is a necessary condition to survive in the competition. To account the impact of risks and ensure implementation of innovative development plans it is suggested to use so-called -tasks, which involve a probabilistic assessment of the control object mathematical model feasibility constraints (“soft limits”). The authors propose to replace probabilistic values by the intervals of their possible change for convenient using methods of finding a solution and apply interval-guaranteed optimal control. The article describes the nature and variations of -tasks vectors and matrices components, which are right-hand sides of innovative development model constraints. The paper also considers the algorithms of searching for external and internal problem solutions for a two-model problem formulation of the interval-guaranteed optimal management of innovative development. They take into account the variation ranges of input variables and feasible regions. Enterprise management information systems help to automate evaluating the requirements and external environment conditions, assessing the current status of production processes and resources of the enterprise, running its operation, setting goals and forming an innovative development plan considering risks, updating the goals. These information systems are suggested to call automated control systems of enterprise innovative development (ACSEID). The article presents a functional model of a risk management process and updating development plans. It also describes an information model and database entity, which implement interval-guaranteed management of innovative development. The use of ACSEID will ensure the implementation of the enterprise innovative development plan if the uncertain parameters are within the specified ranges of their change.
Keywords: enterprise innovative development, management of risk, guaranteed management
Visitors: 10031
10. The internet, gene pool, genome [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Osovetsky L.G. ( - Leningrad Branch Of Central Science Research Telecommunication Institute, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the problem of the Internet development and its impact on the gene pool of humanity and individuals. The author considers an analogy of the evolution of the Internet with the evolution of human information genetic system and discusses disadvantages of the Internet using a comparative analysis. He also describes the comparative quantitative data of Internet development and evolution of the human information system. According to the analogy used, further progress of the Internet is not in expanding the functions but in the creation of a strict and effective “immune” system of and information security. Linguistic communication between the members of a limited community (corporation staff) is a result of the need to join forces for controlling and using natural resources by the members of this group and protecting these resources from other groups. The collective benefits in the competition for resources are provided by specific for a small group (corporation staff) and agreed signs (language) for operations and objects, by the need for competition with other groups for control over resources of life. Nowadays information on the Internet and in other media has become one of the most important resources, for a state too. Using the Internet as a medium of information exchange between people must obey the laws of the historical development of these means in human evolution.
Keywords: information technology, evolution, infosecurity, genome, gene pool, Internet
Visitors: 12466
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