Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: modeling
- Authors: Ветров А.Н.
- Authors: Тихомиров В.А., Карпов И.А., Тихомирова Е.В.
- Authors: Жиганов Н.К., Фомина Е.Е.
- Authors: Макаров А.Н., Корнеев К.Б.
- Authors: Калабин А.Л., Керницкий А.В., Пакшвер Э.А.
- Authors: Быстров В.В.
- Authors: Нечаев П.Д.
- Authors: Синюк В.Г., Куценко Д.А.
- Authors: Томчук М.Н., Страбыкин Д.А.
- Authors: Белопушкин В.И., Бондаренко И.С.
- Authors: Сапожников С.И.
- Authors: Левкин Ю.М., Левкина С.Ю.
- Authors: Иванов Л.Н., Мезенцев Ю.А.
- Authors: Скуридин Д.Г.
- Authors: Ячиков И.М., Манагаров В.Н.
- Authors: Стецко А.А., Тронин В.Г.;Стецко А.А., Тронин В.Г.
- Authors: Русинов И.А.
- Authors: Копысов С.П., Новиков А.К., Пономарев А.Б., Рычков В.Н., Сагдеева Ю.А.
- Authors: Мадера А.Г.
- Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- Authors: Полуботко Д.В., Чукреев Ю.Я.
- Authors: Лёшина М.А.
- Authors: Ишанин А.В.
- Authors: Русинов И.А.
- Authors: Баталина А.М., Епифанов М.Е.
- Authors: Шабанов Б.М., Телегин П.Н., Аладышев О.С.
- Authors: Алюшин С.А., Ильинский Н.И.
- Some characteristic property of a peat fire risk control based on gis-technology Authors: Ветров А.Н.
- Simulation of loss of stability of the bottom area of the profile in the software package ANSYS Authors: Левщанов В.В.
- Complex for modelling chart of utilization waste energies Authors: Оленников А.А., Оленников Е.А., Цымбал В.П.
- Usage grid-technologies for video surveillance data storage system Authors: Ососков Г.А., Нечаевский А.В.
- Intellectual tutoring based on the development and use of tutoring integrated expert systems Authors: Рыбина Г.В., Степанов Л.С., Семенов А.В., Нистратов О.В.
- Program complex planning production on small business Authors: Арендателева С.И.
- Implementation and investigation of hybryd genetic programming method Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Бухтояров В.В.
- Intelligence software of technological processes design Authors: Бурдо Г.Б.
- The software to control systems dynamics researching Authors: Бильфельд Н.В.
- Source code generator for real-time systems Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- Near-earth orbit flight simulation in a space training system Authors: Тимохин П.Ю.
- Web 2.0 simulation environment of dynamical systems Authors: Жевнерчук Д.В., Аристов А.В.
- Model of radiation effects from heavy charged particles In CMOS elements of microchips Authors: Беляева Т.П., Зольников К.В., Таперо К.И., Смерек В.А.
- Business processes and administrative regulations management system Authors: Михеев А.Г., Орлов М.В.
- The simulation program of electronic equipment under shock impact Authors: Талицкий Е.Н., Шумарин С.В., Белов Д.И.
- Software system of detection the anomalies of form of railway lines Authors: Соломаха Г.М., Уманский В.И.
- Modeling of biosynthesis optimal conditions Authors: Гордеева Ю.Л.
- Strategy as basis for financial management Authors: Власова Е.А.
- Modeling of warehousing: development and integration in Orlando Tools Authors: Горский С.А., Башарина О.Ю.
- Verilog-A compact model of graphene field-effect transistor Authors: Целыковский А.А., Данилов И.А., Зебрев Г.И.
- Cellular automata modeling of dissolutiom proceses Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Иванов С.И., Шипилова Д.Д.
- Program choice of technological regimes of discrete-continuous casting of non-ferrous metals and their al-loys Authors: Жиганов Н.К., Фомина Е.Е.
- Expert-modeling systems in the IT-infrastructure management Authors: Логинов И.В., Христенко Д.В.
- Model for calculating the capacity of the automatic warehouse Authors: Русяев А.С., Русяева Т.О.
- Templet – method of process oriented simulation of parallelism Authors: Востокин С.В.
- Techniques provided fof valnerabilities reduction in special real time software Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- About a method of knowledge representation Authors: Бронфельд Г.Б.
- Computing and modeling of fuzzy Cauchy problem using virtual perspective method Authors: Мышев А.В.
- A fuzzy cognitive map as a tool to model innovation at the regional level Authors: Палюх Б.В., Какатунова Т.В.
- Software complex for modeling object motion with impact barrier Authors: Манжосов В.К., Новиков Д.А.
- Software determination of the degree of transient processes attenuation with simulink-models Authors: Бильфельд Н.В.
- Method of modeling the process of air facilities detection by ground surveillance radar in conditions of active noise jamming Authors: Смолкин М.А., Бондарев С.К., Датнова Л.В., Куликов В.Н.
- The algorithm and program for calculating the sands stress-strain state under cyclic loading Authors: Миронов В.А., Софьин О.Е.
- Endovascular surgery simulation training software Authors: Иващенко А.В., Колсанов А.В., Яремин Б.И., Воронин А.С., Черепанов А.С., Сапцин Н.В.
- Laparoscopic surgery simulation training software Authors: Иващенко А.В., Кузьмин А.В., Колсанов А.В., Чаплыгин С.С., Горбаченко Н.А., Милюткин М.Г.
- Формализация задачи обучения персонала средствами систем имитации визуальной обстановки Authors: Чуланов А.О., Бондарь Е.М., Шабуров Д.В.
- The onboard module for information support of the international space station crew Authors: Кравченко С.И.
- Virtual user manuals for the onboard scientifical experiments in the international space station Authors: Кравченко С.И., Жук Е.И., Обыденов С.С., Потоцкая А.С.
- Program to solve the optimal ball reorientation problem Authors: Бесчастный И.Ю.
- A model of the information security events choice based on fuzzy automata Authors: Борисов В.В., Гончаров М.М.
- Information-simulation modeling system architecture for IT-infrastructure life cycle support Authors: Гришаков В.Г.
- Analog modeling of electromagnetic fields based on electrotechnical devices Authors: Васильева О.В.
- Methods and algorithms for determining the position and orientation uav using on-board videocameras Authors: Степанов Д.Н.
- Method of modeling the detection process of air facilities by ground surveillance radar under the impact of passive jamming Authors: Бондарев С.К., Датнова Л.В., Куликов В.Н., Шароглазов В.Б.
- Human behavior simulation based on the subjective view of choice situation Authors: Виноградов Г.П.
- Adaptive fuzzy systems on FOREL class taxonomy Authors: Щекин В.П., Черный С.Г., Бордюг А.С.
- Algorithm and software calculations of biotechnological processes with substrate and biomass recirculation Authors: Макаров В.В., Гордеев Л.С., Гордеева Ю.Л., Щербинин М.Ю.
- An approach to modeling of parameters optimization for satellite system elliptical orbits Authors: Доронкина А.Н.
- A software system for studying of the dynamics of technological processes of chemical fiber spinning Authors: Калабин А.Л., Удалов Е.В., Хабаров А.Р.
- The information support for space experiments Authors: Обыденов С.С., Андреев Д.А., Степанов В.В.
- The approach to modeling, scaling-up and optimization of bioreactors based on computational fluid dynamics Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гусева Е.В., Сафаров Р.Р., Будран Ж.
- On power tracing distribution in electric networks Authors: Баламетов А.Б., Халилов Э.Д., Исаева Т.М., Исгендеров Ф.Г.
- A microcontroller for a fuzzy control system in a sensorless BLDC drive Authors: Льготчиков В.В., Горчаков Д.В.
- Fuzzy logic in a sensorless valve electric drive Authors: Льготчиков В.В., Горчаков Д.В.
- Simulator programs for temperature fields in flat form products Authors: Марголис Б.И.
- A software suite for simulating drugs dissolution kinetics Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гордиенко М.Г., Иванов С.И., Матасов А.В., Типцова И.А., Синица Е.А.
- Training software to perform technological calculations Authors: Валько Д.В.
- Scientific and technical computing system mathcad to design and analyze differentiated teaching load models Authors: Шахова Е.Ю.
- Program for heat conditions identification in flat products Authors: Марголис Б.И.
- On modeling of electricity nodal prices Authors: Халилов Э.Д.
- Comparison of DLA and RLA porous structure modelling algorithms Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Иванов С.И., Тыртышников А.Ю., Лебедев И.В.
- An automation technology and means for regional security control process simulation Authors: Маслобоев А.В., Путилов В.А.
- Adequate interdisciplinary models in forecasting time series of statistical data Authors: Пранов Б.М.
- Modeling nanoporous structures of silica-resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Иванов С.И., Тыртышников А.Ю., Лебедев И.В.
- Modeling traffic flows in AnyLogic Authors: Шамлицкий Я.И., Охота А.С., Мироненко С.Н.
- Programs for simulating temperature fields in cylindrical products Authors: Марголис Б.И., Мансур Губран Али
- Forecasting time series of infectious morbidity Authors: Тарасова С.А.
- Modeling and analysis of programs for multidimensional interval-logic controllers Authors: Антипин А.Ф., Антипина Е.В.
- Modeling programs and temperature field identification in sort glassware Authors: Марголис Б.И., Мансур Г.А.
- Simulation of a collision of two atoms over a condensed phase surface Authors: Плетнев Л.В., Желтов С.А.
- Trajectory modeling space object in range Mathcad discovery complexes Authors: Калинин Т.В., Хрестинин Д.В., Куликов С.В., Кознев А.С.
- Lorentz attractor simulation Authors: Золкин А.Л., Филиппов Ф.В., Струев А.М.
- Simulation of three atoms collision after the concurrent emission from the condensed phase surface Authors: Желтов С.А.
- Integrated development of software and hardware components of the frequency converter filter for operating in power-limited ship networks Authors: Черный С.Г., Соболев А.С.
- Modeling information processes of big data management systems to solve cybersecurity problems Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Зегжда Д.П.
- Software for the technological process of electron beam welding of thin-walled products Authors: Тынченко В.С., Бухтояров В.В., Курашкин С.О., Шуткина Е.В.